News list for "chained"

Informed sources: The Trump administration may cancel plans for a cryptocurrency committee and instead host an industry summit

According to Unchained, the Trump administration may not launch a formal "cryptocurrency committee" as previously promised, but instead plans to hold a series of industry summits on specific cryptocurrency policy topics. According to three people familiar with the matter, the summits will invite different cryptocurrency industry leaders to take turns. Initial sessions are expected to focus on topics such as banking, payments, data centers and bitcoin mining. Multiple industries...

2025-02-14 17:24:09

据Unchained报道,特朗普政府可能不会推出此前承诺的正式"加密货币委员会",而是计划召开一系列针对特定加密货币政策议题的行业峰会。 据三位知情人士透露,这些峰会将邀请不同的加密货币行业领袖轮流参与。初期会议预计将聚焦银行业务、支付、数据中心和比特币挖矿等议题。多个行业...

2025-02-14 17:24:09

1月17日消息,据Unchained报道,特朗普批评区块链公司Ripple在选举期间未支持他,反而向卡马拉·哈里斯提供资金支持。报道援引Axios的文章称,特朗普曾在与一家未具名公司代表的会面中表示,该公司在关键时刻未站在他这边。消息人士称该公司为Ripple,但Ripple发言人对此否认,并称相关传闻“完全不属实”。 此前报道,Ripple联合创始人Chris Lar...

2025-01-17 11:43:40
Bank of New York Mellon has become the first bank to receive an exemption from the SEC's crypto accounting policy SAB 121

On September 20, according to Un Chained Crypto, in public testimony before the Wyoming Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology, and Digital Innovation Technologies, the largest custodian bank in the United States, Bank of New York Mellon (BNY), was confirmed to have received U.S. securities from its institutional cryptocurrency custodian business.

2024-09-20 20:06:20
纽约梅隆银行成为首家获得美SEC加密会计政策SAB 121豁免的银行

9月20日消息,据Un Chained Crypto报道,在怀俄明州区块链、金融技术和数字创新技术特别委员会的公开证词中,美国最大的托管银行纽约梅隆银行(BNY)被确认已从其机构加密货币托管业务中获得了美国证券...

2024-09-20 20:06:20
Data: Bitcoin Price Drops 8.2% After Halving, Worst Halving Performance Ever

On August 20th, according to Unchained, according to blockchain analysis firm CryptoQuant data, the price of BTC fell by more than 8.2% after the halving, from $63,825.87 on April 19 to $58,530.13. In all past halving years, the dollar value of Bitcoin has risen in the following four months. In 2020, the price of BTC rose by about 21.4% in the four months following the halving, from $8,566.77 to $10,402.66. In 2016, the price of BTC rose by 11.12% over the same period, from $638.19 to $720.97. L...

2024-08-20 11:29:38

8月20日消息,据Unchained报道,根据区块链分析公司CryptoQuant数据,减半后BTC的价格下跌了8.2%以上,从4月19日的63,825.87美元跌至58,530.13美元。在过去所有减半年份中,比特币的美元价值在随后的四个月内均有所上涨。 2020年,BTC的价格在减半后的四个月内上涨了约21.4%,从8,566.77美元涨至10,402.66美元。 2016年,BTC的价格在同期上涨了11.12%,从638.19美元涨至720.97美元。 同样,...

2024-08-20 11:29:38
Arbitra now supports USDC as a custom gas payment token

The Arbitra Orbit chain can now use USDC as a custom gas token. This integration opens the door to building new types of applications, including those that require payment channels for a frictionless user experience.

2024-08-08 00:20:26
Financial services firm Unchained has released a new bitcoin commercial

Unchained, a financial services company, has launched a new Bitcoin commercial "Sleep Safe by Bitcoin Standards".

2024-06-06 06:16:58


2024-06-06 06:16:58