News list for "cardone"

Cardone Capital launches fund that combines real estate investments with bitcoin purchases

Real estate investment firm Cardone Capital, which manages $4.90 billion in assets, announced the launch of the 10X Space Coast Bitcoin Fund, which combines institutional-grade real estate with bitcoin purchases. The fund is $87.50 million.

2024-12-27 09:26:14
Cardone Capital推出将房地产投资与比特币购买相结合的基金

管理着49亿美元资产的房地产投资公司Cardone Capital宣布推出10X Space Coast Bitcoin Fund,该基金将机构级房地产与比特币购买相结合。该基金规模为8750万美元。

2024-12-27 09:26:14
Cardone Capital CEO计划以646枚比特币的价格出售其海滨别墅

4月15日消息,Cardone Capital首席执行官Grant Cardone计划以646枚比特币(约4203万美元)的价格出售其海滨别墅。Grant Cardone表示,他宁愿拥有更多比特币或住宅,也不愿投资于单一地点。 该栋别墅占地0.06英亩,位于佛罗里达州戈尔登海滩海洋大道605号,面积10,275平方英尺,有六间卧室和一个游泳池,可以俯瞰大西洋上100英尺长的私人海滩。

2024-04-15 11:13:06