News list for "carbone"

加密倡导组织 Digital Chamber 总裁 Cody Carbone 将接任 CEO

加密货币倡导组织 Digital Chamber 的创始人 Perianne Boring 在担任首席执行官十多年后即将卸任,该组织正在提拔其总裁 Cody Carbone 接任最高职位,而 Boring 将转任董事会主席。 数字资产领域有众多游说团体,他们在美国国会、白宫和监管机构中游说,Digital Chamber 是其中最知名的团体之一,会员数量最多,但近年来其资金一直落后于 Blockchain Association。

2025-03-19 17:20:44
The Chamber of Digital Commerce has urged U.S. lawmakers to immediately pass stablecoin legislation

Cody Carbone, president of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, said he expects stablecoin legislation to be on President-elect Donald Trump's desk in 2025. The group detailed the use of stablecoins in a report released Tuesday morning titled "How Stablecoins Extend the Dominance of the Dollar" and pushed for the passage of a stablecoin bill as soon as possible to keep up with their growing use. Stablecoins are increasingly being used for cross-border savings and payments, the report said. The Digit...

2024-11-12 21:03:35

数字商会主席Cody Carbone表示,他预计稳定币立法将于 2025 年摆上当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的办公桌。 该组织在周二上午发布的一份题为《稳定币如何扩大美元主导地位》的报告中详细介绍了稳定币的使用情况,并推动尽快通过一项稳定币法案,以跟上其日益增长的使用。报告称,稳定币越来越多地用于跨境储蓄和支付。 数字商会还计划本周与美联储、货...

2024-11-12 21:03:35