据Cointelegraph报道,律师事务所Burwick Law已代表其客户在纽约最高法院对Kelsier Ventures、KIP Protocol、Meteora及相关方就LIBRA代币发行提起诉讼。这份集体诉讼诉状指控被告方策划了一场不公平的代币发行活动,误导了购买者,并损害了散户投资者的利益。
Max Burwick, managing partner of Burwick Law, which is currently suing pump.fun, denied that the firm had any involvement in the launch of the Dogshit2 token, while refusing to reveal who deployed the token. Renowned cryptocurrency analyst Wirelyss accused Burwick Law of launching the token off-chain and passing the blame on to the first purchaser of the token. The Dogshit2 token was previously included in the evidentiary documents of Burwick Law's lawsuit against pump.fun, showing the creation ...
目前正在起诉 pump.fun 的律所 Burwick Law 执行合伙人 Max Burwick 表示,否认该律所与 Dogshit2 代币的推出有任何关联,并同时拒绝透露代币的具体部署者。 知名加密货币分析师 Wirelyss 指控 Burwick Law 通过链下方式推出代币,并将责任转嫁给代币的第一位购买者。Dogshit2 代币此前被列入 Burwick Law 对 pump.fun 诉讼的证据文件中,显示了代币的创建过...
On February 15, Burwick Law, a US law firm, released a form and said: "If you have suffered a loss in capital on $LIBRA, please contact us to learn about your legal rights. Burwick Law represents thousands of clients who wish to recover their cryptocurrency losses." Previously, two US law firms (including Burwick Law) sued the Pump.fun, asking the platform to remove the tokens using its IP. Since then, Burwick Law has revealed that its lawyers have received threats of violence and have been subj...
2月15日消息,美国律师事务所 Burwick Law 发布表单并表示:“如果您在 $LIBRA 上遭受了资金损失,请联系我们,以了解您的法律权利。Burwick Law 事务所代表了成千上万希望追回加密货币损失的客户。” 此前消息,美国两家律师事务所(包括 Burwick Law)起诉 Pump.fun,要求该平台删除使用其IP的代币。此后,Burwick Law透露其律师已收到暴力威胁,并且与多名原告一起遭到人肉搜...
According to Onchain Lens, PumpFun has been sued by Burwick Law. Interestingly, Burwick offers a tutorial on its website about using PumpFun to launch a Memecoin called $DOGSHIT2. A trader noticed this and bought 80.40 million $DOGSHIT2 for $5 SOL ($1,200), and then sold all $DOGSHIT2 for $2,317 SOL, worth $555,000, earning 463x in just 2 hours.
US crypto law firm BurwickLaw has announced that it will file a legal action on behalf of investors who have suffered losses on Pump.fun. It is reported that only 0.4% of the 14 million crypto wallets that interacted with Pump.fun made more than $10,000 in profits.