News list for "brickken"

RWA Tokenization Platform Brickken Completes $2.50 million Seed Round

Barcelona-based RWA tokenization platform Brickken has completed a $2.50 million seed round, valuing itself at over $22.50 million. Participants in the seed round include Psalion, Ergodic Fund, SNZ Capital, Blue Bay Ventures, Mocha and Hodl Ventures. The RWA platform will use the newly raised funds to fund its European expansion and drive the "transformation of asset management through blockchain". Some of the funds will be used to introduce more enterprise-grade solutions to the platform, such ...

2025-01-15 12:39:29

总部位于巴塞罗那的RWA代币化平台Brickken已完成250万美元种子轮融资,其投资后估值达到2250万美元以上。种子轮融资的参与者包括Psalion,Ergodic Fund,SNZ Capital,Blue Bay Ventures,Mocha和Hodl Ventures。 RWA平台将利用新筹集的资金资助其欧洲扩张并推动 “通过区块链实现资产管理转型”。部分资金将用于为该平台引入更多企业级解决方案,例如新的API集成、白标选项和人工智能代理...

2025-01-15 12:39:29

总部位于巴塞罗那的初创公司Brickken宣布其被选中参与欧洲区块链和分布式账本技术 (DLT) 监管沙盒。该监管沙盒由欧盟委员会推动,将通过从法律和监管角度识别部署障碍并分享最佳实践,为包括区块链在内的去中心化技术解决方案提供法律确定性。 Brickken拥有价值2 亿欧元的代币化资产,在加入普华永道数字资产计划并与Chainlink、Psalion和Keyrock等行业领导者合作后...

2024-06-14 07:08:42