EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report: WTI crude oil prices are expected to be $70.68/barrel in 2025, compared to previous expectations of $70.62/barrel; Brent crude oil prices are expected to be $74.22/barrel in 2025, compared to previous expectations of $74.50/barrel.
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which four varieties, including Brent crude oil, have the opportunity to go long.
Las Vegas businessperson Brent C. Kovar first appeared in court on February 14 on suspicion of cryptocurrency fraud, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office of Nevada. Prosecutors accused him of fraudulently claiming to use artificial intelligence to mine and verify cryptocurrency transactions through his company Profit Connect between the end of 2017 and July 2021, promising an annualized yield of 15% -30% and providing a full refund guarantee, defrauding more than 400 investors of about $24 mi...
据美国内华达州检察官办公室消息,拉斯维加斯商人 Brent C. Kovar 因涉嫌加密货币诈骗于 2 月 14 日首次出庭。检方指控其在 2017 年底至 2021 年 7 月期间,通过其公司 Profit Connect 虚假宣称使用人工智能挖矿和验证加密货币交易,承诺 15%-30% 年化收益率并提供全额退款保证,共从 400 多名投资者处诈骗约 2400 万美元。Kovar 面临 12 项电信欺诈、3 项邮件欺诈和 3 项洗钱指控,最高可判处...
According to the official website of the Department of Justice, Profit Connect founder Brent C. Kovar is accused of using artificial intelligence mining as a guise to commit cryptocurrency investment fraud, illegally absorbing $24 million in funds, involving at least 400 investors. Prosecutors allege that Kovar promised a fixed annual rate of return of 15% -30% and falsely claimed that the investment was covered by FDIC insurance. The actual funds were used to pay old investors, buy houses, give...
据美国司法部官网,Profit Connect 公司创始人 Brent C. Kovar 被控利用人工智能挖矿为幌子实施加密货币投资诈骗,非法吸收 2400 万美元资金,涉及至少 400 名投资者。检方指控,科瓦尔承诺 15%-30% 固定年回报率,并谎称投资受 FDIC 保险保障。实际资金被用于支付旧投资者、购房、送礼等非投资用途。 Kovar 面临 12 项电汇欺诈、3 项邮件欺诈、3 项洗钱罪,最高或被判 330 年监禁。案件将于 2025 ...
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which three varieties, including Brent crude oil, have short opportunities.
Goldman Sachs raised its forecast for the average price of Brent crude oil in 2025 and 2026 to $78 and $73, respectively (previously $76 and $71, respectively).
WTI crude oil fell 1.00% in the day to $71.95/barrel. Brent crude oil fell back to below $76/barrel, down 0.86% in the day.
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which two varieties such as Brent crude oil have short opportunities.
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which four varieties, including Brent crude oil, have short opportunities.