Peter Brandt, a prominent trader, said in a social media post: "There is no doubt that some big money is pulling out of the Bitcoin market at this price. This is neither a bullish nor a bearish comment. It's just a fact. After all, the whales have made 100x returns from Bitcoin over the past 10 years, and it's time to pull some money out of the market." Previously, Peter Schiff pointed out that although the price of Bitcoin has risen from $69,000 in 2021 to $98,000 now, the proportion of its mar...
Veteran trader Peter Brandt said that Bitcoin's decline since its halving in April 2024 is beginning to resemble the market's movements before the 2016 bull market. In an Aug. 5 article, Brandt said that "the decline since the bitcoin halving is now similar to the 2015-2017 halving bull cycle." It compared the depth of the market correction since the halving date, noting that the two are very similar. In 2016, the bitcoin halving took place on July 9, when the asset price was...
Veteran trader Peter Brandt provided key insights into the bitcoin price movement on social media platform X, where Brandt emphasized that the current bitcoin price pattern "presents a downward channel". Brandt's recent analysis also suggests that bitcoin may have significant long-term upside.
Veteran trader Peter Brandt said that bitcoin's bull market is similar to past cycles after halving, and if it continues, the price of bitcoin could reach $130,000 by the end of next year. According to Brandt's analysis, the last Bitcoin bull market started about 16 months before the halving on May 11, 2020, and the cycle ended about 18 months after the halving. The two previous halving, July 9, 2016, and November 28, 2012, followed a similar pattern.
资深交易员Peter Brandt表示,比特币的牛市与过去减半后的周期类似,如果能持续下去,到明年年底比特币的价格可能会达到130,000美元。 根据Brandt的分析,上一次比特币牛市开始于2020年5月11日减半前约16个月,周期结束于减半后约18个月。之前的两次减半,2016年7月9日和2012年11月28日也遵循了类似的模式。
Renowned trader Peter Brandt is predicting a significant increase in the value of Bitcoin relative to gold, predicting that the price of BTC will reach 100 ounces, or about $234,400. Currently buying one Bitcoin requires about 29.1 ounces of gold (about $68,000).
著名交易员Peter Brandt预测比特币相对于黄金的价值将大幅上涨,预计BTC的价格将达到100盎司,约23.44万美元。目前购买一枚比特币需要约29.1盎司黄金(约68000美元)
Prominent trader Peter Brandt said in a recent blog post that Bitcoin may have peaked at a new all-time high of $73,835. And expect Bitcoin to fall back to the mid-range $30,000 or even the 2021 lows. Peter attributes the expected pullback to a phenomenon known as exponential decay, which he believes will affect crypto assets that recently hit a new all-time high of $73,835. In the long run, such a decline could be "the best thing".
著名交易员Peter Brandt最近的博客文章中表示,比特币在创下新的历史高点73,835美元时可能已经达到了顶峰。并预计比特币将回落至中等水平的30,000美元甚至是2021年的低点。 Peter将这种预期的回调归因于一种被称为指数衰减的现象,他认为这将影响到最近创下新历史高点73,835美元的加密资产。从长期来看,这样的下跌可能是“最有利的事情”。
著名交易员Peter Brandt在社交媒体上称,以太坊是一种“垃圾币”,其支持者是“以太坊白痴”。Brandt认为,以太坊的主要缺陷包括高昂的gas费用、Layer2开发的困难以及相对于比特币而言作为价值储存手段的表现不佳是主要缺陷。