News list for "beuc"

European Consumer Groups Call on European Union to Take Action on Digital Currencies in Games

The European Consumer Organization (BEUC) and 22 member organizations from 17 countries today called on the European Commission and the European Network of Consumer Authorities (CPC-Network) to take stronger enforcement measures against video game companies that maximize consumer spending through the use of in-game digital currencies. A report by the two watchdogs points to the growing use of in-game digital currencies for in-game purchases, especially in free-to-play games.

2024-09-13 12:35:24

欧洲消费者组织(BEUC)和来自 17 个国家的 22 个成员组织于 9 月 12 日呼吁欧盟委员会和欧洲消费者权威机构网络(CPC-Network)对通过使用游戏内数字货币最大化消费者支出的电子游戏公司采取更有力的执法措施。 这两个监督机构的一份报告指出,使用游戏内数字货币进行游戏内购买的现象越来越多,尤其是在免费游戏...

2024-09-13 12:35:24