News list for "better"


3月23日消息,据 CrowFund Insider 报道,新加坡数字资产基础设施提供商 BetterX 完成230万新元(约170万美元)Pre-A轮融资。本轮融资将用于支持其在亚洲、中东和美国的业务扩张。 新投资方包括 Grand Prix Capital、Aument Capital 以及 HBAR Foundation 的 Sabrina Tachdjian、Crypto Knights 的 Riaz Mehta 等知名天使投资人。现有投资方 Aura Group、Tibra 联合创始人 Kinsey Cotton 等继续跟投。

2025-03-23 03:59:20
Nonprofit Better Markets urges appeals court to uphold SEC position in Ripple case

Better Markets, a nonprofit, has filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC) appeal against Ripple Labs. The brief asks the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a 2023 district court ruling that held that Ripple Labs' sales of XRP to retail investors were not governed by U.S. securities laws. The nonprofit organization argued in its complaint that the court had mistakenly applied the Howey Test, undermining the integrity of investor protection.

2025-01-23 05:59:43
非营利组织Better Markets敦促上诉法院支持SEC在Ripple案件中的立场

非营利组织Better Markets在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Ripple Labs的上诉案中提交了一份法庭之友书状,以此支持SEC。该辩护状要求第二巡回上诉法院推翻地区法院2023年的一项裁决,该裁决认为Ripple Labs向散户投资者销售XRP的行为不受美国证券法管辖。 该非营利组织在诉状中指出,法院错误地应用了Howey Test,损害了投资者保护的完整性。

2025-01-23 05:59:43
Better Markets recommends closing Kalshi election prediction market

Better Markets has filed a 39-page amicus curiae statement in a US court recommending the closure of the Kalshi election prediction market, citing the risk of manipulation by the giant whale. The group cited Polymarket as an example, arguing that bets by giant whale accounts on Donald Trump to win the election, amounting to tens of millions of dollars, could cause market prices to deviate from fundamentals and harm small retail investors. Better Markets also warned that allowing such contracts t...

2024-10-24 20:45:56
Better Markets建议关闭Kalshi选举预测市场

Better Markets向美国法院提交了一份长达39页的法庭之友陈述,建议关闭Kalshi选举预测市场,理由是存在巨鲸操纵风险。该组织以Polymarket为例,指出巨鲸账户押注唐纳德·特朗普赢得大选,押注金额高达数千万美元,可能导致市场价格脱离基本面,损害小散户的利益。Better Markets还警告,允许此类合约交易可能破坏选举公正性,并给商品期货交易委员会带来不应有的选举监督责任。...

2024-10-24 20:45:56
Better Markets CEO: SEC has 90% chance of winning Ripple appeal

Dennis Kelleher, chief executive of Better Markets, said the Securities Exchange Commission had a 90 per cent chance of winning its appeal of the XRP lawsuit against Ripple. He criticized the court's decision as flawed, arguing that the judge in the case had misapplied the law. Kelleher said in an X post, "Be serious. This is not a'state law ', this is just a baseless decision by a district court judge that has been overturned by other highly respected judges and will be overturned on appeal, wh...

2024-08-18 23:45:28
Better Markets CEO:美国SEC在Ripple上诉案中有90%的胜算

Better Markets首席执行官Dennis Kelleher表示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)在针对Ripple的XRP诉讼的上诉中有90%的胜算。他批评法院的裁决存在缺陷,认为该案法官误用了法律。 Kelleher在一篇X帖子中说道,“严肃点。这不是'国家法律',这只是一名地方法院法官毫无根据的判决,已被其他备受尊敬的法官驳回,上诉后将被推翻,这就是为什么法官不允许美国SEC上诉。

2024-08-18 23:45:28
A Virtual Rat With an AI Brain Could Mean Better Robots
A Virtual Rat With an AI Brain Could Mean Better Robots

Researchers from Harvard and Google DeepMind say accurately mimicking the movement of real rats reveals how neural circuits guide complex behaviors.

2024-06-12 23:40:49
Nonprofit Better Markets wrote to SEC: Approval of Ethereum spot ETF threatens broader financial system

In its letter to the SEC, Better Markets said it criticised the Bitcoin spot ETF approved earlier by the commission, saying it allowed "the industry to sell some of its products to retail investors under the guise of legality". BetterMarkets also commented on its view of the cryptocurrency industry, saying it was rife with "fraud, scams and abuse". The group believes that the current experience with similar Bitcoin-based products explains why the Ethereum Spot ETF should not be approved. Even in...

2024-05-18 04:44:12
非营利组织Better Markets致函SEC:批准以太坊现货ETF将威胁更广泛的金融体系

Better Markets在发给美国SEC的信中表示,该组织批评了该委员会早些时候批准的比特币现货ETF,称这使得“该行业可以在合法的表象下向散户投资者兜售其部分产品”。BetterMarkets还评论了其对加密货币行业的看法,称其充斥着“欺诈、诈骗和滥用行为”。 该组织认为,目前类似基于比特币产品的经验说明了为什么以太坊现货ETF不应该获得批准。即使在比特币E...

2024-05-18 04:44:12
Want Better Tasting Beer? There’s an AI for That
Want Better Tasting Beer? There’s an AI for That

The common mug of grog may be an acquired taste, but scientists are tapping new tech to give the nectar of the gods a flavor upgrade.

2024-03-26 20:25:15