According to Cointelegraph, Avail co-founder Anurag Arjun said that most current chain abstraction technologies make the crypto ecosystem more fragmented because each different blockchain base layer has its own set of security assumptions, which makes interoperability between chains challenging. Arjun explains: "They have their own set of validators and crypto-economic security. So you have to create an infrastructure called a light client side, such as a two-way light client side. This...
据Cointelegraph报道,Avail联合创始人Anurag Arjun表示,当前大多数链抽象技术使加密生态系统更加碎片化,因为每个不同的区块链基础层都有自己的一套安全假设,这使得链之间的互操作性具有挑战性。 Arjun解释说:“他们有自己的一套验证器和加密经济安全性。因此,你必须创建称为轻客户端的基础设施,例如双向轻客户端。这...