The market shows that API3 broke through $2 and is now reported at $2.08, with a 24-hour increase of 47.3%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, early API3 participants/investors have deposited 3 million API3 tokens unlocked in the past three years into Coinbase, worth $6.15 million. The address received 3.33 million tokens from the TimelockManager contract during the 2021.09.24-2022.12.15 period. The price was $2.46 at that time, and the recharge price was only $2.05.
On July 5th, the decentralized oracle API3 officially announced that it will partner with Caldera to launch an oracle extractable value (OEV) network powered by Arbitrum Orbit. API3 says the OEV Network is a Layer 2 solution designed to update oracle data through dedicated order flow auctions, enabling searchers to bid on valuable oracle updates (such as clearing) without having to bribe block producers, and having their transaction rates first confirmed by the mainnet, with auction proceeds pro...
On June 27, API3, a decentralized Web3 oracle, announced that the strategic focus of its OEV network development has shifted to be based on Arbitrum Orbit to recapture the oracle extractable value (OEV) of loan agreements.
The Oracle Stack for API3 is now available on inEVM, giving developers access to decentralized data sources (dAPIs) and the upcoming OEV network to recapture protocol MEVs resulting from oracle updates.
6月11日消息,API3的Oracle Stack已在inEVM上可用,让开发人员可以访问去中心化数据源(dAPI)和即将推出的OEV网络,以重新捕获因预言机更新而产生的协议MEV。
The Oracle Stack for API3 is available on opBNB, allowing developers to access decentralized data sources (dAPIs) and the upcoming OEV network to recapture protocol MEVs resulting from Oracle updates.
API3 的 Oracle Stack 已在 opBNB 上可用,开发人员可以访问去中心化数据源(dAPI)和即将推出的 OEV 网络,以重新捕获因 Oracle 更新而产生的协议 MEV。
On May 31st, Oracle API3 announced that Oracle Stack is available on Sei, allowing developers to access decentralized data sources (dAPIs) and the upcoming OEV network to regain access to the protocol MEV generated by Oracle updates.
5月31日消息,预言机API3宣布Oracle Stack已在Sei上可用,开发人员可以访问去中心化数据源(dAPI)和即将推出的OEV网络,以重新获得因Oracle更新而产生的协议MEV。
Decentralized oracle API3 announced the completion of a $4 million token financing round led by DWF Labs, with participation from Spartan Group, Nomura subsidiary Laser Digital, and Caladan (formerly AlphaLab). This round of financing will primarily be used for the launch of the OEV network mainnet, the further integration of decentralized applications (DApps) and blockchain networks, and the continued development and promotion of API3 services. API3 said that in this round of token financing, A...