News list for "alchemix"

Alchemix DAO will donate 15 ETH to the Alexey & Roman Legal Defense Fund.

On May 24th, according to the results of the latest proposal vote, Alchemix DAO will donate 15 ETH to the legal defense fund of Roman Storm and Alexey Pertsev (Free Alexey & Roman). Two developers who contributed to TornadoCash, Alexey Pertsev and RomanStorm, were arrested in different jurisdictions after the OFAC imposed sanctions in 2022. Alexey's first trial took place on March 26 this year (with sentencing and further potential legal action scheduled for mid-May), while Roman's trial is sche...

2024-05-24 21:24:09
Alchemix DAO将向Alexey&Roman法律辩护基金捐赠15ETH

5月24日消息,据最新提案投票结果,Alchemix DAO将向Roman Storm和Alexey Pertsev的法律辩护基金(Free Alexey&Roman)捐赠15ETH。为TornadoCash做出贡献的两位开发人员AlexeyPertsev和RomanStorm在2022年OFAC实施制裁后在不同司法管辖区被捕。 Alexey的第一次审判于今年3月26日举行(判决和进一步的潜在法律行动定于5月中旬进行),Roman的审判定于9月下旬进行。

2024-05-24 21:24:09
Alchemix: There are fraudulent websites that offer free ALCX to induce users to sign malicious transactions

The synthetic asset agreement Alchemix posted on the X platform that there is a fraudulent website impersonating Alchemix that provides free ALCX to induce users to sign malicious transactions. Please do not have any interaction with the website. In addition, "! ALCX Reward Token" is a fraudulent token. Please do not have any interaction with this contract.

2024-04-21 00:46:40

合成资产协议Alchemix在X平台发文表示,有一个冒充Alchemix的诈骗网站提供免费ALCX诱导用户签署恶意交易,请不要与该网站有任何互动,另外"! ALCX Reward Token" 为诈骗代币。请不要与此合约进行任何交互。

2024-04-21 00:46:40

Od据官方消息,作为多链策略的一部分,DeFi 借贷协议 Alchemix 宣布已在 Arbitrum 网络上正式启动,据悉 Alchemix 目前为 Arbitrum 的推出设定了存款上限:USDC 为 10 万美元,stETH 为 200 ETH。此外,Alchemix 还计划在发布后不久添加 jUSDC,目前正在等待 JonesDAO 进行的 jUSDC 合约升级的实施。

2024-03-15 22:01:46