News list for "aidan"

Industry: US government-held $6.50 billion bitcoin sale must follow strict process

"Basically, the recent court approval is the normal procedure for any civil forfeiture," said Aidan Larkin of Asset Reality in response to a question about US government bitcoin. "And it doesn't mean the US is going to hit the sell button right away. Bitcoin sales have to follow a very strict process." He added: "At some point in the future it will go through the normal government process. There will be a civil forfeiture application hearing. They will be granted and then it will go through the ...

2025-01-11 15:58:06

Asset Reality的Aidan Larkin在回答有关美国政府比特币的问题时表示:“基本上,最近法院的批准是任何民事没收的正常程序。而且,这并不意味着美国会立即按下出售按钮。比特币的出售必须遵循非常严格的流程。” 他补充道:“在未来的某个时候,它将通过正常的政府程序。将有一个民事没收申请听证会。他们将获得批准,然后它将进入正常的法警程序和公...

2025-01-11 15:58:06