News list for "ai16znews"

Skely conducts token pre-sale in aiPool via Eliza framework, raising around $4.72 million in one hour

According to ai16zNEWS, Skely, a collaborative project of ai16z, conducted a token pre-sale in its aiPool experiment through the Eliza framework and raised 25,000 SOL worth about $4.72 million in 60 minutes. According to Skely, the aiPool project is an innovative experiment in agent autonomy and pre-sale mechanisms through artificial intelligence to reduce fraud in the cryptocurrency offering space and increase transparency and fairness. The token is expected to be launched around noon EST on De...

2024-12-24 12:11:35

据 ai16zNEWS 报道,ai16z 的合作项目 Skely 通过 Eliza 框架在其 aiPool 实验中进行代币预售,在 60 分钟内就筹集了 2.5 万枚 SOL,价值约 472 万美元。 Skely 表示,aiPool 项目是一个通过人工智能代理自主性和预售机制的创新实验,旨在减少加密货币发行领域的欺诈行为,并提高透明度和公平性。该代币预计将在美国东部时间 2024 年 12 月 24 日中午左右推出,代币名称由 AI 选择,几周前测...

2024-12-24 12:11:35