On May 29, Polygon Labs core developers announced that the blockchain aggregation layer AggLayer will use SP1 (a universal zkVM that supports standard Rust and uses Plonky3 as its proof system) to generate a key component of AggLayer called pessimistic proof, a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) method used to ensure the security of AggLayer.
5月29日消息,Polygon Labs核心开发人员宣布,区块链聚合层AggLayer将使用SP1(一种支持标准Rust的通用zkVM,并使用Plonky3作为其证明系统)来生成AggLayer的一个关键组件,称为悲观证明(pessimistic proof),这是一种用于确保AggLayer安全的零知识证明(ZKP)方法。
On May 28, Polygon tweeted that the Ethereum sidechain Polygon PoS will propose a technical proposal to connect to the blockchain aggregation layer AggLayer and migrate from the PoS architecture to the zkEVMvalidium architecture. At the same time, ZK chains based on Polygon CDK will be able to connect to AggLayer, and Polygon will announce projects built using CDK.
5月28日消息,Polygon发推称,以太坊侧链Polygon PoS将提出一项技术提案,接入区块链聚合层AggLayer,并将从PoS架构迁移至zkEVMvalidium架构。同时,基于Polygon CDK的ZK链将能够连接至AggLayer,Polygon将公布使用CDK进行构建的项目。
Polygon founder Sandeep AggLayer said on the X platform that the new solution AggLayer for the aggregation layer cannot be classified as L1 or L2, it is a "MetaLayer", "In my opinion, two important" MetaLayers "are about to appear on Ethereum, namely the feature layer and the aggregation layer, which cannot be classified as L1 or L2.
Polygon创始人Sandeep AggLayer在X平台表示,聚合层新解决方案AggLayer不能归类为L1或L2,它是一个 "MetaLayer",“在我看来,以太坊上即将出现两个重要的 "MetaLayer",即特征层和聚合层,它们不能被归类为L1或L2。
Blockchain interoperability project Union Labs plans to integrate with AggLayer, a decentralized service launched by Polygon Labs earlier this year that allows for the sharing of liquidity between connected networks. Through this collaboration, the two parties can deepen the connection between Polygon and the Cosmos ecosystem and its Interblockchain Communication Protocol (IBC).
区块链互操作性项目 Union Labs 计划与 AggLayer 集成,AggLayer 是 Polygon Labs 今年早些时候推出的一项去中心化服务,允许在连接的网络之间共享流动性。 通过此次合作,双方可加深 Polygon 与 Cosmos 生态及其区块链间通信协议(IBC)之间的联系。