According to the official announcement, Binance will stop trading and remove the following currencies on March 28, 2025 at 11:00 (East 8th District time): Aergo (AERGO) AirSwap (AST) BurgerCities (BURGER) COMBO (COMBO) Linear Finance (LINA) In addition, the function of voting to remove the shelves will be introduced after this batch is removed from the shelves. Projects that have been announced to be removed from the shelves will no longer participate in voting to place coins.
On June 10th, Aergo announced on the X platform that it has upgraded Aergo Scan to improve security and transparency. Next, the team is preparing for the Aergo V4 hard fork upgrade, which will introduce significant system improvements next month.
6月10日消息,Aergo 在 X 平台宣布已升级 Aergo Scan,以提高安全性和透明度。接下来,团队正在为 Aergo V4 硬分叉升级做准备,下个月将引入重大的系统改进。
On May 21, the hybrid blockchain project Aergo posted on the X platform that the Aergo Swap (bridging) service has been temporarily suspended due to the recent discovery of suspicious activity. Once the issue is resolved, the team will reopen this service and update the schedule as soon as possible.
5月21日消息,混合区块链项目Aergo在X平台发文表示,由于最近发现可疑活动,Aergo Swap(桥接)服务暂时停止。一旦问题解决团队将重新开放此服务,并尽快更新时间表。