News list for "actress"

ZachXBT: British hacker Bhangu or the person behind the "Sweeney's X account was hacked to promote SWEENEY tokens" incident

On July 31st, according to Cointelegraph, after American actress Sydney Sweeney suffered a cryptocurrency hack, independent on-chain detective ZachXBT revealed more details and linked the incident to convicted British hacker Gurvinder Bhangu. On July 2nd, Sweeney's X account was hacked, and the hackers pulled up shipments by promoting Solana token SWEENEY. ZachXBT's investigation revealed that Bhangu was one of the masterminds behind the attack. In addition, on July 8, Breaking Bad and...

2024-07-31 03:00:04
ZachXBT: Sydney Sweeney's X account hacked in connection with Gurvinder Bhangu

A few weeks after American actress Sydney Sweeney suffered a major cryptocurrency-related hack on X, on-chain detective ZachXBT posted on X his investigation into the recent hack of Sydney Sweeney's X account and the alleged connection of convicted hacker Gurvinder Bhangu to the incident. On July 2, the actress's X account was hacked, and the attackers promoted Solana-based token SWEENEY by driving up the share price. According to ZachXBT's findings, Gurv is the latest in the...

2024-07-30 14:26:21
Sydney Sweeney's X account has been hacked to promote the cryptocurrency that bears her name

The X account of American actress Sydney Sweeney was hacked with posts promoting the cryptocurrency named after her, which has since been deleted. The Solana-based token SWEENEY amassed more than $10 million in trading volume within two hours of its launch on July 2, thanks to multiple promotional posts from Sweeney's X account. The price of SWEENEY fell nearly 90% in just over an hour starting at 6:15pm UTC, but has since rebounded.

2024-07-03 02:24:47
1. Tongyi Qianwen GPT-4 main model price reduction of 97%, 1 yuan 2 million tokens. 2. Hollywood actress Scarlett attacked OpenAI for copying...

1. Tongyi Qianwen GPT-4 main model price reduction of 97%, 1 yuan 2 million tokens. 2. Hollywood actress Scarlett blasts OpenAI for copying her voice for ChatGPT. 3. Microsoft accelerates Win11 integration Copilot pushes Copilot + PC. 4. Institutions: Baidu's generative artificial intelligence revenue may gradually increase. 5. Volcano Engine releases a large-scale model solution for the financial industry. 6. Kimi launches a paid plan? Dark Side of the Moon: Small-scale grey release test to pro...

2024-05-21 04:06:30
‘We Won't Need Sara’: Actress Learns She’s Been Replaced by AI
‘We Won't Need Sara’: Actress Learns She’s Been Replaced by AI

Stage and voice actor Sara Poyzer found out through an email she was replaced by artificial intelligence in a role.

2024-03-30 13:01:02

7x24 Newsflash

22:00 2025-03-26
21:54 2025-03-26
21:30 2025-03-26
21:27 2025-03-26
Amitis Capital 数字资产首席投资官 Chris Solarz 表示,现在是加密对冲基金投资的黄金时代。 Solarz 指出,加密市场仍处于早期阶段,基金经理甚至能沿用 35 年前传统金融(TradFi)对冲基金刚兴起时的交易策略。 Solarz 认为,在加密技术完全融入金融体系前,不对称机会将持续存在。就像如今没人会自称是互联网公司员工一样,终有一天加密将不再被视为...
21:00 2025-03-26
Bitwise CIO:现在是历史上以风险调整后的价格购Bitcoin的最佳时机
Bitwise 首席投资官Matt Hougan 表示,现在是历史上以风险调整后的价格购 Bitcoin 的最佳时机,因为几乎所有的生存威胁(包括监管)都已被消除。随着美国建立战略比特币储备,Hougan 认为,最后一个主要风险已转变为长期验证。
20:50 2025-03-26
20:50 2025-03-26
美国众议院金融服务委员会主席 French Hill 在华盛顿举行的区块链峰会上表示,新版加密市场结构法案修订草案将在未来几天公布,这是去年众议院通过的‘21世纪金融创新与技术法案’(FIT21)的更新版本。该法案尚未在本届国会正式提出,但去年曾在众议院获得通过,71 名民主党议员支持,包括前议长南希·佩洛西。Hil...
20:47 2025-03-26
GameStop 宣布,计划面向符合资格的机构投资者,私募发行总额为 13 亿美元的 0.00% 可转换优先票据(2030 年到期)。根据市场情况,公司还可授权初始购买方在 13 天内追加最多 2 亿美元票据的购买。GameStop 表示,募集所得资金将用于一般企业用途,包括根据公司投资政策购入比特币。
20:47 2025-03-26
Manus:将举行线下活动 正努力让更多人用上Manus
20:41 2025-03-26
20:38 2025-03-26
20:23 2025-03-26