News list for "accolade"

New Accolade Partners Fund Raises $202 million, Will Focus on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Investments

Washington, D.C.-based Accolade Partners has announced that it has raised $202 million for its latest "fund of funds," which will focus on blockchain and cryptocurrency investments. The fund, called Accolade Partners Blockchain III, closed in October, but the firm only recently announced the news. Accolade's portfolio is understood to include 1kx, Archetype, Framework Ventures, Parafi, Portal, Reverie and Varrock.

2024-11-22 15:00:16
Accolade Partners新基金募资2.02亿美元,将专注于区块链和加密货币投资

总部位于华盛顿特区的Accolade Partners宣布已为其最新的“基金中的基金”筹集了2.02亿美元资金,将专注于区块链和加密货币投资。该基金名为Accolade Partners Blockchain III,已于今年十月份结束募集,但该公司直到最近才宣布这一消息。据悉,Accolade的投资组合包括1kx、Archetype、Framework Ventures、Parafi、Portal、Reverie和Varrock。

2024-11-22 15:00:16
List of important developments on the evening of September 12

12:00-21:00 Keywords: cbBTC, Accolade, Standard Chartered, Digital Ruble 1. grey release will launch the first US XRP trust fund; 2. CARV launches $50 million accelerator to fund the data ecosystem; 3. Coinbase launched cbBTC, which will run on the Ethereum mainnet and Base. 4. Accolade raised over $135 million and proposed allocations to two new funds; 5. Standard Chartered: Bitcoin may reach a new high at the end of the year, with limited impact on the results of the US election. 6. Scam Sniff...

2024-09-12 21:00:42

12:00-21:00关键词:cbBTC、Accolade、渣打银行、数字卢布 1.灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托基金; 2.CARV启动5000万美元加速器资助数据生态系统; 3.Coinbase推出cbBTC,将在以太坊主网和Base上运行; 4.Accolade筹集超1.35亿美元资金并拟分配至两个新基金; 5.渣打银行:比特币年底或创新高,美国大选结果影响有限; 6.Scam Sniffer:加密货币用户需警惕恶意软件Fato Reader; 7.俄...

2024-09-12 21:00:42
Accolade raises over $135 million and allocates to two new funds

According to a filing with the Securities Exchange Commission last month, Accolade raised more than $135 million through two blockchain tools. The company declined to comment on the matter, suggesting that it will continue to market and raise money for the funds, which are expected to become one of the largest funds raised in the industry this year. According to documents filed by Accolade, the new funds were divided into two funds, one is "Blockchain III Venture" and the other is "Blockchain II...

2024-09-12 20:09:28

根据上个月提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件,Accolade 通过两个区块链工具筹集了超过 1.35 亿美元,目前该公司拒绝就此事置评,暗示或将继续为这些基金进行营销和筹集资金,这些基金有望成为今年该行业筹集的最大资金之一。 根据 Accolade 提交的文件显示,新资金被分为两个基金,一个是“Blockchain III Venture”,另一个是“Blockchain III Seed”。但目前尚不清...

2024-09-12 20:09:28