Sol Strategies, a crypto investment firm led by Leah Wald, former boss and co-founder of Valkyrie Investments, bought validators for four networks, including Solana, for nearly $18 million. The company will purchase validators for the Solana (SOL), Sui (SUI), Monad, and ARCH networks from Cogent Crypto, with the bulk of the funding focused on SOL. Validators are entities that process transactions and help maintain the security of proof-of-stake blockchains such as Solana and Ethereum by staking ...
由 Valkyrie Investments 前老板兼联合创始人 Leah Wald 领导的加密投资公司Sol Strategies以近 1800 万美元购买了 Solana等四个网络的验证器。 该公司将从 Cogent Crypto 购买 Solana (SOL)、Sui (SUI)、Monad 和 ARCH 网络的验证器,大部分资金将集中在 SOL 上。验证者是处理交易并通过质押或质押一定数量的网络加密货币来帮助维护权益证明区块链(例如 Solana 和以太坊)安全性的实体。 TradingView 数据显示,Sol ...
Trading platform Abra bought Valkyrie's private crypto trust in May 2024, following a settlement with financial regulators in 25 U.S. states. According to Bloomberg, Abra took over Valkyrie's Tron and Zilliqa Trust, which previously had sales of $50 million and $21.30 million, respectively. In addition to Tron and Zilliqa, Abra also purchased several other unnamed digital asset trusts from Valkyrie. Marissa Kim, head of asset management at Abra, also told the financial media that...
交易平台 Abra 于 2024 年 5 月购买了 Valkyrie 的私人加密信托,此前该加密交易平台与美国 25 个州金融监管机构达成了和解。据彭博社报道,Abra 接管了 Valkyrie 的 Tron以及 Zilliqa 信托,此前的销售额分别为 5000 万美元和 2130 万美元。除了 Tron 和 Zilliqa,Abra 还从 Valkyrie 购买了其他几只未具名的数字资产信托。 Abra 资产管理主管 Marissa Kim 也向该金融媒体表...
Valkyrie Investments has sold its private trust business to digital asset services platform Abra, which includes Tron and Zilliqa Trust. It is reported that the deal was reached in May, and Abra reached a settlement with 25 US states last week.
7月12日消息,Valkyrie Investments 已将其私人信托业务出售给数字资产服务平台 Abra,其中包括 Tron 和 Zilliqa 信托。据悉,该交易于 5 月份达成,Abra 上周与美国 25 个州达成和解。
Leah Wald, former CEO and co-founder of Valkyrie Investments, has been appointed president and CEO of crypto investment firm Cypherpunk Holdings (HODL.CA). According to a statement from the firm, Wald, who has been a member of Cypherpunk's board of directors for nearly three years, will succeed current CEO Antanas Guoga. Guoga will remain the company's chairperson.
Valkyrie Investments前首席执行官兼联合创始人Leah Wald被任命为加密投资公司Cypherpunk Holdings( HODL.CA )的总裁兼首席执行官。据该公司的一份声明称,Wald已担任Cypherpunk董事会成员近三年,他将接替现任首席执行官Antanas Guoga。Guoga仍将担任公司董事长。
According to Fox Business reporter Eleanor Terrett on the X platform, CoinShares and Valkyrie, the issuers of the spot bitcoin ETF, have said that they will not apply for the spot Ethereum ETF, mainly because the spot Ethereum ETF cannot participate in the pledge. According to sources, without the pledge function, the two digital asset investment companies believe that the spot Ethereum ETF is worthless for investors, especially since there are already 9 spot bitcoin ETFs in the market, which is...
据Fox Business记者Eleanor Terrett在X平台披露,现货比特币ETF发行方CoinShares和Valkyrie已经表示,他们将不会申请现货以太坊ETF,主要原因是现货以太坊ETF无法参与质押。据消息认识披露,如果没有质押功能,这两家数字资产投资公司认为对于投资者来说现货以太坊ETF就没有价值,尤其是市场上已有9家现货比特币ETF,已经过于拥挤了。
According to Farside Investors data, Valkyrie BRRR had a net inflow of $3.4 million yesterday, while Invesco BTCO and DEFI had no inflows/outflows of funds.
据Farside Investors数据,昨日Valkyrie BRRR净流入340万美元,Invesco BTCO、DEFI无资金流入/流出。
Forbes reporter Eleanor Terrett revealed in an article on the X platform that Valkyrie's Chief Investment Officer Steven McClurg believes that ETH may be a security, Ethereum spot ETFs will not be approved in May, LTC and XRP spot ETFs may be approved earlier than ETH spot ETFs, and BTC prices will rise to $150000 in 2024.
福布斯记者Eleanor Terrett在X平台发文透漏,Valkyrie首席投资官StevenMcClurg认为ETH可能是一种证券,以太坊现货ETF不会在5月份获得批准,LTC和XRP现货ETF可能早于ETH现货ETF获批,2024年BTC价格将涨至15万美元。
According to HODL15 Capital monitoring, Bitcoin spot ETFs had a net inflow of $418 million yesterday, of which Valkyrie BRRR had a net inflow of $30 million.