News list for "Transferred to Binance"

Data: A giant whale released nearly 60,000 SOL and transferred more than 4,700 SOL to Binance

According to Onchain Lens, after four months of silence, a giant whale released 59,791.88 SOL (7.37 million USD) and transferred 4,791.88 SOL (592,000 USD) to Binance.

2025-03-18 13:33:42
Data: A giant whale transferred about 500,000 OM to Binance, which is about 2.73 million US dollars

According to the data on the chain, a whale transferred 500,090.59 OM to Binance, which is about $2,735,495.53. It is reported that the giant whale received about 3.50 million OM tokens in the past three months, which is about $14 million.

2025-02-14 13:45:29
A whale transferred 195 million TLM to Binance worth 2.80 million USD

A whale (0x9C55) transferred 195 million TLM to Binance worth 2.80 million USD.

2025-01-07 15:52:57
A giant whale redeemed 2323.9 million ENA and transferred 19.36 million to Binance, losing 44% if sold

According to on-chain analyst Ember, an ENA whale redeemed 2323.9 million ENAs (worth about $30 million) 10 hours ago and transferred 19.36 million of them (worth about $14.09 million) to the Binance exchange. Currently, only 3.879 million ENAs (about $2.76 million) remain in the whale's address. If the whale had sold these ENAs on Binance, the loss would have been $13.15 million, a loss of about 44%.

2024-06-12 00:57:16
A certain giant whale will transfer the remaining 1487.9 MKRs to Binance, approximately 5.44 million US dollars

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, 50 minutes ago, a whale also transferred the last 1487.9 MKRs (5.44 million US dollars) to Binance. The whale purchased 4488.9 MKRs for $2963 in March and sold them all for $3585 today, achieving a profit of $2.79 million (+21%).

2024-04-08 10:45:19
A giant whale transferred 3001 MKRs to Binance half an hour ago

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, a giant whale purchased 4488.9 MKRs for $2963 in March and transferred 3001 MKRs ($10.66 million) to Binance half an hour ago.

2024-04-08 05:10:45
Smartestmoney.eth transferred 5810 ETH to Binance

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, smartestmoney.eth continued to reduce its ETH: One hour ago, the address transferred 5810 ETHs ($19.42 million) to Binance. After purchasing a total of 22771 ETH at an average price of $1691 in August last year, the address has now closed its profit and reduced its position by 16443 ETH. On December 4th, it transferred to Binance 10633 ETH and today it transferred to Binance 5810 ETH. The comprehensive transfer price is 2630 US dollars, resultin...

2024-04-06 15:59:53
3AC Liquidator Teneo transferred 135000 AVAX worth approximately $7.87 million to Binance one hour ago

On chain analyst monitoring, 3AC's clearing agent Teneo's address (0x0be) transferred 135000 AVAX (approximately $7.87 million) to Binance an hour ago.

2024-03-26 13:52:35
3AC Liquidator Teneo transferred 135000 AVAX to Binance 1 hour ago

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, 3AC's clearing agent Teneo's address (0x0be) transferred 135000 AVAX ($7.87 million) to Binance an hour ago. On May 10, 2023, 3AC Wallet transferred 1.369 million AVAX to the Teneo address (0x0be) responsible for 3AC clearing, at a price of $15.3.

2024-03-26 13:40:23
A certain address transferred 1 million LDOs to Binance, achieving a revenue of 2.97 million US dollars

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, a few days before FTX stopped withdrawing funds, an address of 1.983 million LDOs was requested from FTX, and 1 million LDOs (3.26 million US dollars) were transferred to Binance 50 minutes ago. This address raised 1.983 million LDO from FTX on November 3, 2022 (FTX withdrawal stopped on November 8, 2022), with an LDO price of $1.54 at that time. These LDOs were transferred to Binance at an average price of $3.04, achieving a revenue of $2.97 mi...

2024-03-26 10:18:20
One million LDOs will be transferred to Binance at a certain address

According to on chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, a few days before FTX stopped withdrawing funds, an address of 1.983 million LDOs was requested from FTX, and 1 million LDOs were transferred to Binance 50 minutes ago.

2024-03-26 10:16:40

7x24 Newsflash

19:36 2025-03-28
19:09 2025-03-28
Binance 创始人 CZ 发文称,“我将向缅甸和泰国各捐赠 500 枚 BNB。有没有一个带有 DID(去中心化身份)的透明链上捐赠系统?如果没有,我将依赖 Binance 和 Binance 泰国站来分发。”
18:57 2025-03-28
特朗普赦免了加密交易平台 BitMEX 的三位联合创始人。
18:51 2025-03-28
18:18 2025-03-28
18:02 2025-03-28
Hyperliquid 宣布其区块链已升级,新增了完全链上的验证者投票功能,用于资产下架。当达到足够的投票支持下架时,操作会自动触发链上执行。这个基于权益的无许可投票加权机制原生集成于 HyperCore,技术上不需要链外协调。 作为该机制的示范,Hyper 基金会的验证者 2-5 将在北京时间 2025 年 3 月 29 日 21:00 左右投票决定是否下架 MYRO 合约。Hyper 基金会的验证者 ...
17:50 2025-03-28
17:17 2025-03-28
17:09 2025-03-28
16:59 2025-03-28
据 Onchain Lens 监测,某以太坊 ICO 参与地址在休眠 7 年后将 1700 枚 ETH(约 318 万美元)存入 Binance。
16:59 2025-03-28
16:44 2025-03-28
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发布公告表示,加密货币工作组人员于 3 月 28 日与 Wintermute Trading Ltd. 和 Morrison Cohen LLP 的代表进行了会晤。 会议讨论的主题是关于加密资产监管相关问题的解决方案。Wintermute Trading Ltd. 和 Morrison Cohen LLP 的代表提供了附带的文件,会议期间对该文件中的议题进行了讨论,Wintermute 讨论了美国加密货币市场中的交易和流动性提供问题。