The Bitrace on-chain security analysis team revealed that the Loopring hacker has started transferring stolen funds, with 30 ETH transferred to the cross-chain protocol Thorchain. The Bitrace team issued an alert on social media to alert the Loopring community to remain vigilant.
Bitrace链上安全分析团队披露,Loopring黑客已开始转移被盗资金,其中30枚ETH已被转移至跨链协议Thorchain。 Bitrace团队在社交媒体上发出警报,提醒Loopring社区保持警惕。
跨链资产交换协议 THORChain 自 Bybit 遭遇 14 亿美元黑客攻击以来,已处理超过 54 亿美元的交易量,为平台带来约 550 万美元的收入。据 THORChain 浏览器数据显示,在 Bybit 被黑后的单日内,THORChain 处理的交换交易量就超过了 10 亿美元,仅当天就产生了超过 55.4 万美元的总收入。
According to Spot On Chain, the Bybit hackers have whitewashed more than 50% of the stolen Ethereum within a week of the attack. The data shows that in the past 5.5 days, the hackers have successfully whitewashed 266,309 ETH (~ $614 million) - 53.3% of the total 499,000 ETH stolen - converting it to Bitcoin mainly through THORChain, processing an average of about 48,420 ETH per day. According to the current processing speed, the remaining 233,086 ETH in the hands of hackers could be emptied in j...
据 Spot On Chain 监测,Bybit 黑客在攻击后一周内已经洗白超过 50% 的被盗以太坊。数据显示,在过去 5.5 天内,黑客已将 266,309 ETH(约 6.14 亿美元)——占被盗总量 499,000 ETH 的 53.3%——成功洗白,主要通过 THORChain 将其转换为比特币,平均每日处理约 48,420 ETH。 按照目前的处理速度,黑客手中剩余的 233,086 ETH 可能仅需 5 天左右即可全部清空。
THORChain 核心开发者 Pluto 宣布即刻离开项目,结束其四年的贡献。Pluto 表示将继续为 Nine Realms 提供支持,确保职责平稳交接。与此同时,社区成员 TCB 也表示,如果 THORChain 不迅速采取解决方案阻止朝鲜资金流,他也将退出。 TCB 指出,THORChain 社区的信念与实际运营情况存在脱节,“长期以来,负责...
According to Arkham data, wallets tagged as Lazarus Group have transferred more than $240 million in ETH through THORCHAIN as of now. These funds are mostly exchanged for native BTC.
据Arkham数据显示,截至目前,被标记为Lazarus Group的钱包已通过THORCHAIN转移了超过2.4亿美元的ETH。这些资金主要被兑换为原生BTC。
According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, the hackers of the Bybit theft incident exchanged ETH for BTC through THORChain for money laundering, which brought THORChain $2.91 billion in transaction volume and $3 million in fee income.
据链上分析师余烬监测,Bybit被盗事件的黑客通过THORChain将ETH 兑换成 BTC 进行洗钱,为 THORChain 带来了 29.1 亿美元的交易量和 300 万美元的手续费收入。
According to Slow Mist, Bybit hackers have currently transferred more than 70,000 ETH to the Bitcoin network through THORChain.
As part of its restructuring efforts to address the debt crisis, THORChain's governing body has passed an important proposal to convert defaulted debt into equity tokens. Specifically, the approved plan involves converting defaulted debt into equity through the issuance of a new token called TCY to creditors. TCY token holders are entitled to 10% of THORChain's revenue in perpetuity.