Web3 security company SlowMist has warned that the "Safeguard" variant attack on Telegram is spreading, and users need to pay attention to the random sending of false "account risk" information and the push of false security checks. If the "verification" is not handled properly, the account will be taken over and the private key will be stolen and other friends on Telegram will be defrauded.
According to Beta Info, the Android version of Telegram 11.8 Beta has added a number of new Star Coin-related features, including paid messaging, Star Coin withdrawal, and Star Coin purchase Premium, which is currently only available on the test server. • Paid messages: Premium users can set private message charges in Settings > Privacy and Security > Messages, and add a list of free exceptions. The sender needs to pay STAR coins, and the platform takes a 15% commission. • Star coin withdraw...
据Beta Info消息,Android版Telegram 11.8 Beta新增多项与星币相关的功能,包括付费消息、星币提现及星币购买Premium,目前仅在测试服务器上线。 • 付费消息:Premium用户可在设置 > 隐私和安全 > 消息中设定私信收费标准,并添加免费例外名单,发送者需支付星币,平台抽取15%佣金。 • 星币提现:新增提现星币按钮,但功能尚未开放。 • 星币购买Prem...
ZachXBT posted on its personal Telegram channel, My sources confirm it's a security incident. In addition, ZachXBT reminded the relevant personnel of major exchanges: It is recommended to block the following EVM addresses. 0x47666fab8bd0ac7003bce3f5c3585383f09486e2 0xa4b2fd68593b6f34e51cb9edb66e71c1b4ab449e 0x36ed3c0213565530c35115d93a80f9c04d94e4cb 0x1542368a03ad1f03d96D51B414f4738961Cf4443 Previously, it was reported that on-chain detective ZachXBT was released on personal Telegram.
ZachXBT 于个人 Telegram 频道发文表示,我的消息来源确认 Bybit 资金流出是一起安全事件(My sources confirm it's a security incident)。 此外,ZachXBT 向各大交易所有关人员提醒道:建议拉黑以下 EVM 地址。 0x47666fab8bd0ac7003bce3f5c3585383f09486e2 0xa4b2fd68593b6f34e51cb9edb66e71c1b4ab449e 0x36ed3c0213565530c35115d93a80f9c04d94e4cb 0x1542368a03ad1f03d96D51B414f4738961Cf4443 此前消息,链上侦探 ZachXBT 于个人 Telegram 频...
On February 19th, according to the official news, the Telegram Bot project Banana Gun is now available on the BNB Chain. It supports Swap, limit order and bridging functions for Pancakeswap v2/v3 and four.meme.
According to Cointelegraph, Telegram's built-in crypto wallet "Wallet in Telegram" now supports zero-fee purchases of USDT in more than 60 countries, with the aim of reducing costs and promoting the adoption of stablecoins.
据Cointelegraph报道,Telegram内置加密钱包“Wallet in Telegram”现在支持在60多个国家/地区零手续费购买USDT,旨在降低成本并促进稳定币的采用。
On February 13th, Telegram ecosystem trading app Blum completed a $5 million Pre-Seed and seed round financing, led by gumi Cryptos Capital, and participated in the investment by YZi Labs, The Spartan Group, No Limit Holdings, OKX Ventures, The Open Platform, Bitscale Capital and Wintermute Ventures.
2‘月13日消息,Telegram 生态交易应用 Blum 完成 500 万美元 Pre-Seed 及种子轮融资,gumi Cryptos Capital 领投,YZi Labs、The Spartan Group、No Limit Holdings、OKX Ventures、The Open Platform、Bitscale Capital 及 Wintermute Ventures 等参投。
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said on his personal channel that the platform has launched the third major update in 2025 to further enhance its video platform capabilities. This update includes video covers, playback progress saving and timestamp sharing to enhance users' video viewing experience. In addition, Telegram introduced AI sticker search, supporting 29 languages, allowing users to quickly find the right content from millions of user-created stickers. Officials said that in the future, t...
On February 8th, Telegram-based click-to-make-money game TapSwap announced that its upcoming TAPS tokens will be released on BNB Chain instead of the TON network as originally planned. The game had originally planned to complete the token airdrop in late January, but recently said that following the advice of an unnamed "Tier 1" decentralized exchange, the token launch was delayed in the hope of finding better market conditions. However, after completing the first season of the game on February ...