According to an official announcement, Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) announced the signing of a non-binding list of terms under which its wholly-owned subsidiary, Whinstone US, Inc. (or its affiliates), intends to acquire certain assets of Rhodium Encore LLC (and its affiliates, "Rhodium") at Riot's Rockdale facility and has filed a motion to approve a settlement under Federal Rule 9019 of Bankruptcy Procedure in the Rhodium bankruptcy case. According to the terms list, upon completion of ...
据官方公告,Riot Platforms, Inc.(纳斯达克:RIOT)宣布签署非约束性条款清单,其全资子公司 Whinstone US, Inc.(或其关联公司)拟收购 Rhodium Encore LLC(及其关联公司,简称"Rhodium")在 Riot 位于罗克代尔设施的特定资产,并在 Rhodium 破产案中提交了根据联邦破产程序规则 9019 批准和解的动议。 根据条款清单,交易完成后,Whinstone(或其关联公司)将向 Rhodium 提供总计 1.85...
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Riot Platforms, Inc. 宣布已签署一份不具约束力的条款清单,其全资子公司Whinstone或将收购比特币矿企Rhodium Encore LLC在Rockdale矿场拥有的特定资产。按照条款,Whinstone将向Rhodium提供总计1.85亿美元的对价,包括1.299亿美元现金、退还Rhodium的电力保证金610万美元、以及价值4900万美元的Riot股份,Rhodium则将转...
Riot Platforms 研究副总裁 Pierre Rochard 发文表示,比特币价格波动可能十分剧烈,但这些波动并非源于比特币自身的内在结构缺陷。作为一种资产,比特币的基本面——有限供应、抗审查交易和全球可访问性——不受短期市场周期的影响。
纳斯达克上市加密矿企Riot Platforms发布比特币生产和运营更新报告,其中披露其二月挖矿产出为470枚BTC,较前一月减少57枚,截至二月底总持仓增长18692枚比特币。
2月25日消息,据The Block报道,RiotPlatforms发布报告称,其2024的总收入为3.767亿美元,同比增长了34.2%。净收入增长至1.094亿美元,而2023年净亏损达4940万美元。 尽管收入增长,但Riot在2024年生产的比特币有所下降,总产量为4828枚,较前一年的6626枚比特币有所下降,主要是因为矿业成本激增。且Riot在2024年每枚比特币的平均开采成本(不包括折旧)达到了32216美元,而2023年为...
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Riot Platforms向美国监管机构发布2024全年业绩报告,其中披露去年收入达到3.767亿美元(其中净收入1.094亿美元),此外通过首次可转换优先票据发行募资5.79亿美元并增持了5784枚比特币,自挖矿产出4828枚比特币,截至2024年底的比特币总持有量达到17.722枚,较上一年增长141%,去年比特币收益率达到39%。
Riot Platforms announced changes to its board and updated its formal assessment of AI/HPC uses. Jaime Leverton, Doug Mouton, and Michael Turner will join the board, bringing directly applicable AI/HPC transformation, data center, and real estate experience. In light of increased interest, Evercore and Northland Capital have been hired to lead engagement with potential AI/HPC partners.
According to a new study by JPMorgan Chase, the total market capitalization of listed cryptocurrency companies, including Coinbase and Riot, rose by 14% to $108 billion in January, far outpacing the 8% increase in the overall cryptocurrency market. Among them, Coinbase's market value rose by 17%, and Riot's rose by 20%. JPMorgan analyst Charles Pearce pointed out that the rise in mining companies' share prices is mainly due to the concept of artificial intelligence. In the case of Riot, the comp...
Riot Platforms mined 527 bitcoins in January, up 2% month-on-month and the highest monthly output since December 2023. This contrasts with other major miners that saw a general decline in production, such as Marathon down 13% to 750 and CleanSpark down 6% to 626.
On January 24th, Pierre Rochard, vice president of research at Riot Platforms, wrote that the biggest obstacle to the Bitcoin strategic reserve plan is not from the Federal Reserve, the Ministry of Finance, banks or Elizabeth Warren, but Ripple/XRP. Ripple is investing millions of dollars in lobbying to try to thwart the progress of the US Bitcoin Strategic Reserve (SBR) plan. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse countered that the company's actions are actually increasing the likelihood of the landing ...