News list for "Paxful"

Binance denied reports that it had seized all Palestinian users' funds, saying only a few accounts were restricted

On August 28, according to a report by Cointelegraph, Ray Youssef, co-founder of P2P crypto platform Paxful and CEO of Noones P2P platform, revealed that crypto exchange Binance seized cryptocurrencies from Palestinian users at the request of Israel and handed them over to the government.

2024-08-28 11:34:57

8月28日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,P2P加密平台Paxful的联合创始人兼Noones P2P平台首席执行官Ray Youssef透露,加密交易所币安根据以色列的要求从巴勒斯坦用户手中扣押了加密货币,并将其交给了...

2024-08-28 11:34:57
Paxful co-founder Artur Schaback has reached a plea deal with US prosecutors and could face up to five years in prison

Paxful co-founder and former head of technology Artur Schaback pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) program at a cryptocurrency exchange and faces up to five years in prison. Schaback, the exchange's former chief technology officer, is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 4 and will resign from Paxful's board of directors, the Department of Justice said on July 8. A plea agreement filed in California District Court on the same day shows th...

2024-07-09 14:24:20
Paxful联创始Artur Schaback与美国检察官达成认罪协议,或面临五年监禁

Paxful 联合创始人兼前技术主管Artur Schaback周一认罪,承认密谋在加密货币交易所未能维持有效的反洗钱(AML)计划,将面临最高五年的监禁。美国司法部7月8日表示,该交易所前首席技术官Schaback定于11月4日被判刑,并将辞去Paxful董事会职务。同一天提交给加州地方法院的认罪协议显示,政府检察官同意对Schaback处以500万美元的罚款,Schaback将分三期偿还10...

2024-07-09 14:24:20