Paradigm has announced the launch of a fully validated stateless Ethereum node, Ress (Reth Stateless), based on Reth, with a disk requirement of 14GB. Paradigm says that stateless nodes are critical not only to improving the decentralization of Ethereum, but also to extending L1gas limits, scaling optimisticL2, and implementing Native Rollups to improve the security and interoperability of the L2 ecosystem. Starting with Reth v1.3.1, Reth now natively supports the Ress RL Px subprotocol.
Paradigm宣布基于Reth推出一个完全验证的无状态以太坊节点Ress(Reth Stateless),磁盘要求为14GB。Paradigm表示,无状态节点不仅对改善以太坊的去中心化至关重要,而且对扩展L1gas限制、扩展optimisticL2以及实施Native Rollups以改善L2生态系统的安全性和互操作性也至关重要。从Reth v1.3.1开始,Reth现已原生支持Ress RL Px子协议。
According to Forbes business correspondent Eleanor Terrett, the Republican group in the U.S. House of Representatives hosted a "cryptocurrency luncheon" this afternoon to discuss digital asset policy initiatives and legislation. The meeting was attended by politicians such as Republican Whip Tom Emmer and Representative Bryan Steil, as well as representatives from various institutions in the crypto industry. Industry organizations attending the meeting included the Digital Chamber and the Blockc...
据福布斯商业记者 Eleanor Terrett 报道,美国众议院共和党人团体今日下午举办了一场"加密货币午餐会",讨论数字资产政策倡议和立法事宜。 出席会议的包括共和党党鞭 Tom Emmer 和众议员 Bryan Steil 等政界人士,以及来自加密行业的多家机构代表。参会的行业组织包括数字商会(Digital Chamber)和区块链协会(Blockchain Association),参会企业代表则来自 Paradigm、Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)、Co...
专注于互操作性 Across Protocol 通过向投资者出售其 ACX 代币筹集了 4100 万美元,Paradigm 领投,Bain Capital Crypto、Coinbase Ventures、Multicoin Capital 和天使投资人 Sina Habinian 参投。
风险投资公司 Paradigm 宣布扩展其政策委员会,新增成员包括 CNN 主持人 Van Jones、前国家安全顾问兼大使 Robert C. O'Brien,前特朗普政府官员 Johnny DeStefano 和 Alexander B. Gray,以及民主党顾问 Jen Brown 和 Kyle Layman。
On-chain detective ZachXBT has announced that it has joined venture capital firm Paradigm as an incident response advisor.
On February 19th, the first Bitcoin two-layer solution based on the BitVM paradigm Bitlayer launched the BTCFI carnival event has entered the sixth week of activities. This week, the interactive task of the decentralized trading platform BitZap will be launched on the Binance wallet. Users who complete this week's task have the opportunity to share the total value of 140,000 dollars of Token rewards. The event jointly launched by Bitlayer and Binance Wallet will last until February 28. At presen...
Samczsun, a researcher at Paradigm, said of the Meme promotion scam on social media: "It's a very simple idea: the next time a large account gets hacked and promotes an obvious scam, maybe the front end should manually remove the scam? Of course no one would object to that unless the goal is to enable people to gamble in casinos?"
Georgios Konstantopoulos, chief technology officer at Paradigm, tweeted: "Rethv1.2 has been released, Pectra is ready and L1 is up to 50 per cent better, with a default Gas limit of 36M. This release is a breakthrough and marks the start of a new high-efficiency consensus engine with previously unachievable optimizations."
Paradigm首席技术官Georgios Konstantopoulos发推表示,“Rethv1.2版本已发布,Pectra已准备就绪且L1使用性能提升达50%,默认Gas限制为36M。该版本具有突破意义,标志着我们开始推出新的高运行效率共识引擎,并进行了以前无法实现的优化。”
On February 5th, the BTCFI carnival launched by Bitlayer and Binance Wallet, the first Bitcoin two-layer solution based on the BitVM paradigm, entered the 5th week of the activity cycle. This week, Binance Wallet will launch 3 Bitlayer ecological projects BitFi, Jasper Vault and RollDex interactive tasks. Users who complete this week's tasks have the opportunity to share the total value of 570,000 dollars in token rewards. At present, users can log in to the Binance Wallet page to complete all t...
2025年1月包括红杉资本、Paradigm和Andreessen Horowitz等投资机构已经向加密货币和区块链领域的79个项目投入了近12亿美元,比2024年1月增长63%。PitchBook分析师预测风险投资公司今年将向加密行业投入约180亿美元,高于2023年和2024年99亿美元的平均值,分析认为特朗普支持加密货币立场是一个关键驱动因素。