News list for "PGIM"

Market analysis: Bank of Japan may raise interest rates by 25 basis points this year

PGIM Fixed Income said in a report that the Bank of Japan may raise the base rate by another 25 basis points this year. However, if Japanese consumers increase consumption significantly, the Bank of Japan may accelerate the pace of interest rate hikes. It pointed out that the Bank of Japan is gradually raising the nominal policy rate close to 2%, and the latest hike has lifted the rate to an important psychological level of 0.5%. In the long run, PGIM believes that the Bank of Japan believes tha...

2025-02-12 14:19:59
市场分析:日本央行今年可能再加息 25 个基点

PGIM Fixed Income在一份报告中称,日本央行今年可能再次将基准利率上调25个基点。不过,如果日本消费者大幅增加消费,日本央行可能会加快加息步伐。它指出,日本央行正通过逐步加息接近2%左右的名义政策利率,最近一次加息将利率提升至0.5%的重要心理水平。从长期来看,PGIM认为日本央行认为至少1%的名义利率是合适的。

2025-02-12 14:19:59
Market analysis: ECB interest rates may need to fall below neutral

PGIM Fixed Income said in a report that the base rate of the European Central Bank may need to fall below neutral if the accelerated economic growth repeatedly predicted by the ECB fails to materialize. The bank expects the ECB's neutral rate range to be between 1.5% and 2.5%, slightly lower than the deposit rate of 2.75% now and priced by the market at 1.91% by the end of the year. The European economy is more vulnerable to rising trade tensions given the weak macroeconomic situation, the repor...

2025-02-12 14:10:54

PGIM Fixed Income在一份报告中称,如果欧洲央行一再预测的经济加速增长未能实现,其基准利率可能需要降至中性以下。该行预计,欧洲央行的中性利率区间将在1.5%-2.5%之间,略低于现在2.75%的存款利率,到今年年底,市场定价为1.91%。报告称,鉴于宏观经济形势疲弱,欧洲经济更容易受到贸易紧张局势加剧的影响。尽管如此,欧洲比上一轮关税实施时准备得更好,在谈...

2025-02-12 14:10:54
Economist: Bank of England remains cautious amid potential inflation shock

Katharine Neiss, chief European economist at PGIM Fixed Income, said the Bank of England needed to be more convinced that inflation was on a downward trend before it could cut interest rates more quickly. The Bank of England's 25 basis point cut on Thursday did not surprise anyone, but Governor Bailey was cautious amid geopolitical headwinds, particularly from the US. Neiss said the UK now faced more potential inflationary shocks, "starting with the UK budget, which is more expansionary and infl...

2024-11-07 23:41:28

PGIM Fixed Income首席欧洲经济学家Katharine Neiss表示,英国央行需要进一步确信通胀呈下降趋势,才能更快地采取降息行动。英国央行周四降息25个基点没有出乎任何人的意料,但行长贝利在地缘政治不利因素(尤其是美国方面)的影响下持谨慎态度。Neiss说,英国现在面临着更多潜在的通胀冲击,“首先是英国的预算,其扩张性和通胀性都高于预期。其次,美国大...

2024-11-07 23:41:28
Economist Tom Porcelli: Even with a 100 basis point rate cut, Fed policy is still tight

Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at PGIM Fixed Income, said that the current federal funds rate of 5.3% appears relatively high compared to the current consumer price inflation rate of less than 3%. Even if the rate is cut by 100 basis points, the Federal Reserve's policy is still tighter. Policy is calibrated according to significantly higher inflation and significantly lower unemployment, but these conditions have changed.

2024-08-18 23:58:01
经济学家Tom Porcelli:即使降息100个基点,美联储的政策仍然偏紧缩

PGIM固定收益首席美国经济学家Tom Porcelli表示,目前5.3%的联邦基金利率与当前低于3%的消费者价格通胀率相比显得相对较高,即使降息100个基点,美联储的政策仍然偏紧缩,政策是根据显著较高的通胀率和显著较低的失业率来校准的,但这些情况已经发生了变化。

2024-08-18 23:58:01
PGIM: Fed expects to cut interest rates by about 150 basis points by the end of 2025

Mr. Bocelli, PGIM's chief US economist, said the US's focus had shifted from inflation to labour market easing because of a cyclical hiring slowdown over the past few months, allowing the Fed to start cutting interest rates in September. The Fed is expected to announce a September cut at its meeting tonight. Another cut is likely at the December meeting, and the possibility of a November cut cannot be ignored. The Fed is expected to cut interest rates by about 150 basis points by the end of 2025...

2024-07-31 20:48:08

PGIM 首席美国经济学家波切利表示,由于过去几个月周期性招聘放缓,美国的注意力已经从通胀转向了劳动力市场的放松,这使得美联储得以在 9 月份开始降息。预计美联储将在今夜的会议上宣布 9 月份降息。在 12 月的会议上可能会再次降息,而 11 月降息的可能性也不容忽视。预计到 2025 年底,美联储将累计降息约 150 个基点。

2024-07-31 20:48:08