Elizabeth Lunt, senior economist at NerdWallet, said that if all goes according to plan, U.S. inflation data will continue to slow, and then stabilize at the Federal Reserve's target level sometime late next year or early 2026, hopefully without a severe recession in the process. In addition, eToro U.S. investment analyst Bret Kenwell said that for the economy to remain stable, inflation will not return, and lower interest rates and strong earnings growth can continue to drive U.S. stocks higher...
NerdWallet高级经济学家伊丽莎白·伦特表示,如果一切按计划进行,美国通胀数据将继续放缓,然后在明年年底或2026年初的某个时候稳定在美联储的目标水平,希望在这个过程中不会出现严重的经济衰退。此外,eToro美国投资分析师Bret Kenwell表示,要经济保持稳定,通胀不会卷土重来,较低的利率和强劲的盈利增长就能在长期内继续推动美股走高。