News list for "Gallagher"

Morning News List of important developments overnight on November 23

21:00-7:00 Keywords: UK, Sui, Dan Gallagher, CBOE BTC broke through $99,500, setting a new all-time high. 2. Tether Treasury minted 1 billion USDT on the Ethereum network; 3. The UK will publish cryptocurrency and stablecoin regulations in early 2025. 4. Sui announced a strategic partnership with Franklin Templeton Digital Assets. 5. Robinhood Chief Legal Officer Dan Gallagher said he would not serve as SEC chairperson. 6. The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) will launch bitcoin-related ind...

2024-11-22 23:28:06

21:00-7:00关键词:英国、Sui、Dan Gallagher、CBOE 1.BTC突破99500美元,续创历史新高; 2.Tether Treasury在以太坊网络新增铸造10亿枚USDT; 3.英国将于 2025 年初公布加密货币和稳定币监管规定; 4.Sui宣布与富兰克林邓普顿数字资产建立战略合作伙伴关系; 5.Robinhood首席法律官Dan Gallagher称不会担任美SEC主席; 6.芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)将推出比特币相关指数期权产品;...

2024-11-22 23:28:06
Robinhood Chief Legal Officer Dan Gallagher says he will not serve as SEC chairperson

According to market news, Robinhood Chief Legal Officer Dan Gallagher said he will not serve as chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission.

2024-11-22 15:55:21
Robinhood首席法律官Dan Gallagher称不会担任美SEC主席

据市场消息,Robinhood 首席法律官 Dan Gallagher 表示自己不会担任美国证券交易委员会主席。

2024-11-22 15:55:21
If Trump wins the election, Robinhood's general counsel may become the new chairperson of the SEC

Dan Gallagher, Robinhood's general counsel, is seen as a possible new chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) if Trump is successfully re-elected. However, the SEC is currently considering a lawsuit against Robinhood's growing cryptocurrency business, alleging that it may not be registered as a broker and clearing house in the crypto market. Gallagher objected, calling the case "pointless". He pointed out that Robinhood has far fewer crypto transactions than other platforms a...

2024-10-07 22:31:43

Robinhood的法律总顾问Dan Gallagher被视为特朗普若成功连任后可能提名的证券交易委员会(SEC)新主席。然而,SEC目前正在考虑对Robinhood日益增长的加密货币业务提起诉讼,指控其可能在加密市场中未注册作为经纪商和清算机构。Gallagher对此表示反对,称此案“毫无意义”。他指出,Robinhood的加密交易数量远少于其他平台,并未提供加密借贷或质押产品。若...

2024-10-07 22:31:43
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes countermeasures against former US congressman Gallagher

On May 21, former U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin has frequently taken words and deeds to interfere in China's internal affairs, damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and violate China's interests in recent years. China has decided to take the following countermeasures against Gallagher: freeze movable, immovable and other types of property in our country; prohibit organizations and individuals in our country from conducting relevant transactions, cooperation and oth...

2024-05-21 08:33:50

7x24 Newsflash

23:24 2025-03-24
金色晨讯 | 3月25日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:特朗普、FBI、政府效率部 1.特朗普:可能对多国减免关税征收; 2.美国FBI成立特斯拉威胁特别工作组; 3.特朗普媒体集团拟与Crypto.com合作推出ETF; 4.欧洲央行管委Escriva:经济预期面临的下行风险大于上行; 5.高盛:对冲基金对美国股票的净卖出规模达到七周以来最大; 6.CZ转发“WLFI疑似已在BNB Chain发行稳定币USD1”相关推文; 7.美法官发...
23:21 2025-03-24
23:03 2025-03-24
23:00 2025-03-24
23:00 2025-03-24
X公司的工程总监HAOFEI WANG已突然离职
市场消息:X公司的工程总监HAOFEI WANG已突然离职。
22:57 2025-03-24
22:48 2025-03-24
Richard Teng:币安慈善机构将向阿根廷受灾地区的注册用户捐赠100美元BNB代金券
Binance CEO Richard Teng 表示,对阿根廷巴伊亚布兰卡遭受的灾难深感悲痛。币安慈善机构将向阿根廷巴伊亚布兰卡受灾地区的币安注册用户捐赠价值达 100 美元的 BNB 代金券。
22:45 2025-03-24
据 Santiment 数据显示,DOGE 网络活动已降至 2024 年 10 月以来的最低水平,每天仅有约 66 笔“鲸鱼”交易,活跃地址数量也降至不到 60,000 个。
22:29 2025-03-24
加密预测平台 Polymarket 宣布正式上线 Solana 网络,开始支持用户使用 SOL 进行存款。此前,该平台主要运行于 Polygon 网络,并仅支持 USDC 稳定币进行充值。
22:20 2025-03-24
据CME“美联储观察”: 美联储5月维持利率不变的概率为88.5%,降息25个基点的概率为11.5%。美联储到6月维持利率不变的概率为34.3%,累计降息25个基点的概率为58.7%,累计降息50个基点的概率为7.0%。
22:14 2025-03-24
Arbitrum DAO拟撤资2.25亿ARB游戏激励计划,质疑项目管理不善与透明度不足
Arbitrum DAO 正在审议一项提案,拟取消对Gaming Catalyst Program(GCP)的资金支持,并追回此前拨付的 2.25 亿枚 ARB 代币。提案方指出,该计划是在过于乐观的市场预期下获批,现已被证明不可持续。主要支持方之一 Treasure DAO 已退出 Arbitrum,其他关键贡献者也出现流失或热情下降。此外,GCP 被指存在资金使用不透明、提高团队薪酬、降低报告义务等问...
21:59 2025-03-24
全球最大黄金ETF--SPDR Gold Trust持仓较上日减少1.44吨,当前持仓量为929.07吨。
全球最大黄金ETF--SPDR Gold Trust持仓较上日减少1.44吨,当前持仓量为929.07吨。