Galaxy Research said in a report that the vast majority of Bitcoin rollups will be unsustainable. Bitcoin Rollups require millions of dollars a year to maintain due to transaction fees. "Each individual data release transaction can take up up to 400KB (0.4MB) of block space, effectively taking up 10% of the entire block," Galaxy wrote. With multiple Rollups expected to release data every six to eight blocks, Rollups could quickly push base layer fees to new levels...
GalaxyResearch在一份报告中表示,绝大多数比特币 rollups 都将是不可持续的。由于交易费用的原因,比特币Rollups每年需要数百万美元才能维持。Galaxy 写道:“每笔单独的数据发布交易最多可占用 400KB(0.4MB)的区块空间,实际上占据了整个区块的 10%。”由于将有多个Rollups,预计每 6 到 8 个区块发布一次数据,Rollups可能会迅速将基础层费用推向新...