News list for "Fundstra"

Fundstrat CIO: Bitcoin will close above $100,000 by the end of the year

Tom Lee, former chief equity strategist at JPMorgan Chase and chief information officer at Fundstrat Capital, said in an interview with CNBC that bitcoin will close above $100,000 by the end of the year. (CNBC)

2024-12-02 14:03:46

前摩根大通首席股票策略师、Fundstrat Capital 首席信息官 Tom Lee 在接受 CNBC 采访中表示,比特币年底收盘价将突破 10 万美元。(CNBC)

2024-12-02 14:03:46
Head of Digital Asset Strategy at Fundstrat: The current Korean kimchi premium is around 0%, indicating that BTC still has room to rise

Sean Farrell, head of digital asset strategy at Fundstra, said in the latest client report that "friends and family" are starting to ask about cryptocurrencies again. From the perspective of quantifiable market indicators, the current situation does not show a bubble that rebounded in March or a cyclical peak in late 2021. For example, the current Kimchi Premium indicator data in the Korean market is about 0%, indicating that Korean traders lack excessive excitement. Normally, if the market reac...

2024-11-24 08:36:24

Fundstra 数字资产策略主管Sean Farrell在最新的客户报告中表示,“朋友和家人”又开始询问加密货币了,从可量化的市场指标来看,当前的形势并没有表现出三月份反弹或2021年末周期性高峰的泡沫,比如目前韩国市场的泡菜溢价指标数据约为0%,表明韩国交易者缺乏过度兴奋,通常情况下若市场达到顶峰泡菜溢价会飙升至10%以上,而过去一周的上涨不应被视为单纯...

2024-11-24 08:36:24
Fundstrat: BTC could become a treasury reserve asset to cover the US deficit

Fundstrat co-creator Tom Lee said in an interview with CNBC that bitcoin could become a "treasury reserve asset" to help cover the U.S. deficit, and bitcoin could still reach $100,000 this year, with plenty of room for growth.

2024-11-08 12:52:07

Fundstrat 联创 Tom Lee 在接受 CNBC 采访中表示,比特币可能成为一种国库储备资产”,来帮助弥补美国赤字,比特币今年仍有可能达到 10 万美元,上涨空间很大。

2024-11-08 12:52:07
Fundstrat Managing Partner: If Trump Wins the U.S. Election, Bitcoin Will Rise

Tom Lee, managing partner at Fundstrat, said in an interview with CNBC that hopes of a Trump victory in the November election could boost asset prices, including bitcoin, which the market currently sees as more likely than polls suggest and sees as a good thing. "When the market believes this more, you see cyclical stocks, small caps, and bitcoin do better because those are clear policy differences." FiveThirtyEight's current national poll shows that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris (...

2024-08-22 23:44:49

Fundstrat管理合伙人Tom Lee在接受CNBC采访中表示,特朗普在11月大选中获胜的希望可能会提振资产价格,其中也包括比特币,市场目前认为特朗普获胜的可能性比民调显示的要高,并认为这是一件好事。“当市场更加相信这一点时,你会看到周期股、小盘股和比特币表现得更好,因为这些都是明显的政策差异。” FiveThirtyEight目前的全国民调显示,民主党提名人卡马拉-哈里斯(...

2024-08-22 23:44:49
Fundstrat insists on bitcoin price reaching $150,000

Fundstrat co-founder Tom Lee said he is adamant that bitcoin will reach a price of $150,000, calling it a 10-year Mt. Gox suspense will disappear in the second half of the year. Tom Lee said in May that Fundstrat believes bitcoin is still in the early stages of an upward cycle, so the idea that bitcoin could reach $150,000 this year is still within the agency's basic assumptions, explaining that the forecast is based on changes in the U.S. macroeconomy.

2024-07-01 12:52:18

Fundstrat 联合创始人 Tom Lee 表示,他坚持认为比特币将达到 15 万美元的价格,并称 10 年来的门头沟 Mt。Gox 悬念将在下半年消失。Tom Lee 曾于 5 月时表示,Fundstrat 认为比特币仍处于上行周期的早期,因此今年比特币可能达到 15 万美元的想法仍在该机构的基本假设之内,并解释这一预测是根据美国宏观经济的变化得出。

2024-07-01 12:52:18
Fundstrat Head of Digital Asset Strategy: People's expectations for ETH spot ETFs are too pessimistic

Sean Farrell, head of digital asset strategy at Fundstrat, said in a report that expectations for ETH spot ETFs were overly pessimistic. Hedge funds pursuing so-called foundational trades - designed to exploit the difference between the spot and futures markets - will drive ETFs.

2024-06-28 05:42:52

Fundstrat数字资产战略主管Sean Farrell在一份报告中表示,人们对ETH现货ETF的预期过于悲观。对冲基金追求所谓的基础交易(旨在利用现货和期货市场之间的差异)将推动ETF的发展。

2024-06-28 05:42:52

5月23日消息,Fundstrat Global Advisors管理合伙人Tom Lee表示,Fundstrat认为比特币仍处于上行周期的早期,因此今年比特币可能达到15万美元的想法仍在该机构的基本假设之内。Lee在解释他的理由时指出,这是来自美国的宏观经济变化。

2024-05-23 12:28:18