News list for "Fastest"

OpenAI GPT-4.5 is expected to be released as early as next week, with GPT-5 expected to be released in late May

Microsoft is preparing for the latest model of OpenAI. GPT-4.5 is expected to be released as soon as next week, and Microsoft expects GPT-5 to be released in late May. The updated GPT-5 will make significant improvements to the way ChatGPT is used, unifying OpenAI's o-series and GPT-series models and reducing the confusion of users choosing a model.

2025-02-21 03:40:32
Break the fastest record! 2025 Spring Festival movie pre-sale breaks 100 million

On January 19, the pre-sale of the 2025 Spring Festival film opened today. As of 14:27, the total box office of the pre-sale of the schedule exceeded 100 million, breaking the record of the fastest pre-sale of the Spring Festival file in the history of Chinese film!

2025-01-19 06:33:58
2025 Spring Festival film history, the fastest pre-sale exceeded 10 million

On January 19, according to the professional version of the lighthouse, the pre-sale of the Spring Festival file in 2025 opened today, and it only took 40 minutes. The total box office of the pre-sale of the schedule broke 10 million, and the fastest pre-sale in China's film history broke the record of 10 million.

2025-01-19 01:55:39
The world's fastest high-speed train is unveiled

On December 29th, the prototype of the Beijing CR450 EMU made its debut. In the future, after the CR450 EMU is put into business operations, the operating speed will reach 400 kilometers per hour, making it the fastest high-speed train in the world.

2024-12-29 02:02:03
Base set a record of 106.26 TPS, up nearly 28% since November 23.

Base set a record of 106.26 TPS, making it the fastest Ethereum L2 solution. This marks a nearly 28% increase in its TPS since November 23. According to Jesse Pollak, head of protocols at Base, the average TPS at Base in January was only 4. (Cointelegraph)

2024-11-26 02:39:11
Bitcoin ETF may soon buy its 1 million bitcoin this week

The US Spot Bitcoin ETF is expected to buy its 1 million bitcoins as soon as this week as traders brace for possible cryptocurrency headwinds in November. These include the US election, a possible interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve and the lifting of Russia's ban on bitcoin mining - all of which took place in November. US Spot Bitcoin ETF issuers currently hold 976,893 bitcoins, according to Apollo and SoSoValue data.

2024-10-28 06:08:53
Base Becomes the Only Blockchain with 100 million Number of Addresses on the Second Fastest Chain

According to Coin98 Analytics, Base is the only blockchain with 100 million addresses on the second fastest chain, taking 420 days, slightly behind the 414 days of the first fastest BNB Chain.

2024-08-11 13:52:55
1. Shanghai is expected to launch a public trial of driverless cars for citizens within a week at the soonest, and the whole process will be free. 2. Shenzhen promotes 20...

1. Shanghai is expected to start the public test of driverless cars for the public within a week at the soonest, and the whole process is free. 2. Shenzhen promotes 20 self-driving buses in Qianhai this year, and the pilot period is free. 3. National Bureau of Statistics: The production of new energy vehicles in our country increased by 34.3% year-on-year in the first half of this year. 4. Musk set the end of the year as the "deadline" for the research and development of 4680 batteries. 5. Due t...

2024-07-16 06:30:15
Shanghai is expected to launch a public test of driverless cars for citizens within a week at the soonest, with the whole process free of charge

July 16th news, July 4th, Shanghai officially released the demonstration application license of driverless intelligent networked vehicles, which has been about half a month. During this period, various smart driving companies are mainly focusing on the preparation and fine-tuning in the early stage of the test. It is expected that the field test of driverless intelligent networked vehicles for ordinary citizens will be launched as soon as the next week, and the whole process will be free during ...

2024-07-16 01:01:27
Hamster Kombat claims to be the third fastest 150 million user app ever

Hamster Kombat has claimed to be the third fastest 150 million user app in history, and the augmented reality mobile game Pokémon GO launched in 2016 took 33 days to reach 150 million users, a record it held until the summer of 2023, when Instagram's X competitor Threads reached it in just six days. Meanwhile, Hamster Kombat became the first YouTube channel to gain more than 10 million users in a week, and the team has filed a Guinness World Record for this achievement.

2024-06-30 01:09:40

7x24 Newsflash

03:23 2025-03-18
Wazirx计划在Zodia Custody的支持下重新启动
3月18日消息,印度加密交易所Wazirx在发生重大安全漏洞导致平台受到侵害并造成巨大财务损失后,正准备重启运营。在黑客攻击之后,该交易所实施了更严格的合规措施,并全面改造了其安全基础设施,以防止今后再发生此类事件。3月17日,Wazirx宣布已任命Zodia Custody为其官方托管人,该公司由标准渣打银行、北方信托、SBI Holdings、澳大利亚国民银行(...
03:20 2025-03-18
03:04 2025-03-18
02:58 2025-03-18
02:52 2025-03-18
据链上分析师余烬监测,一月一解锁的Blur在4小时前解锁了2169万枚BLUR(232万美元),接下来应该会跟之前一样转进Coinbase Prime。 Blur自2023/6/15进入解锁周期以来,已经解锁了35%总量的BLUR(10.44亿枚)并转进Coinbase Prime进入市场流通。以转出时的价格计算,价值3.37亿美元。转出平均价0.32美元。
02:49 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,据4E监测,周一美股延续了上周五的反弹势头,投资者在市场连续四周下跌后寻求逢低买入,推动指数上扬。截至收盘,道指涨0.85%,纳指涨0.31%,标普500指数涨0.64%。大型科技股多数下跌,特斯拉领跌4.83%,今年已下跌超40%。 加密市场窄幅整荡,整体表现较为平淡,比特币基...
02:43 2025-03-18
Vitalik 出售 5000 枚 DHN ,约合 12.6 万美元
据链上分析师 Onchain Lens监测,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin已出售 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,交易价值约为 65.19 ETH(折合 124,672 美元)。 据监测,Vitalik 目前仍持有 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,目前价值约 113,000 美元。
02:40 2025-03-18
3 月 18 日消息,EVM 交易聚合器 Enso 发文宣布,Bedrock 已上线 uniBTC 一键存款功能,由 Enso Shortcuts 提供支持。
02:31 2025-03-18
02:31 2025-03-18
PancakeSwap 2021 年 OG 玩家于 15 小时前疑似清仓 147.5 万枚 CAKE
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,PancakeSwap 2021 年 OG 玩家于 15 小时前疑似清仓 147.5 万枚 CAKE ,价值 379 万美元,这是该聪明钱首次向交易所充值 CAKE,此外,他曾通过低买高卖 WBTC 获利 1969 万美元,成本低至 26395美元。
02:28 2025-03-18
Coinbase Institutional 研究主管 David Duong 表示,市场几乎普遍预期美联储将在本周的联邦公开市场委员会会议上维持利率不变,但投资者应该关注美联储资产负债表缩减(即量化紧缩,QT)计划的任何潜在变化。 他在周一的报告中写道:“我们认为美联储可能会暂停或结束其量化紧缩计划,...
02:22 2025-03-18
a16z支持的Web3链游Champions Ascension宣布暂时关闭服务器
据官方公告,Web3链游Champions Ascension宣布其服务器将暂时关闭,因为开发团队将重点转向REACH Labs。此次关闭包括Champions Ascension服务器以及Imperial Expeditions和Dudo等相关功能,于上周五生效。 公告称,为REACH Labs开发的技术预计将在塑造Champions Ascension的未来方面发挥关键作用,尽管尚未提供其回归的具体时间表。尽管游戏暂时暂停,但团队已确认仍将发放KEYS奖励。据介绍,REACH Labs是一家新的web3游戏发行商...