News list for "Evercore"

Evercore ISI's head of technical analysis believes that both the Nasdaq 100 and S & P 500 appear poised to hit record highs in Quarter 1. Click to view...

Evercore ISI's head of technical analysis believes that both the Nasdaq 100 and S & P 500 appear poised to hit record highs in Quarter 1. Click to view...

2025-01-22 23:14:36
Evercore ISI的技术分析主管认为,纳指100和标普500似乎都有望在第一季度创下历史新高。点击查看...

Evercore ISI的技术分析主管认为,纳指100和标普500似乎都有望在第一季度创下历史新高。点击查看...

2025-01-22 23:14:36
Evercore ISI expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates twice before the end of the year

Evercore ISI said market fears of a rate cut by the Federal Reserve, which aims to keep inflation under control while maintaining a strong labour market, were exaggerated, with a cut in November all but certain and a strong possibility in December.

2024-10-20 17:27:56
Evercore ISI预计美联储年底前降息两次

Evercore ISI表示,市场对美联储降息担忧被夸大,11月降息几乎确定,12月也有很大可能。美联储的目标是在控制通胀的同时保持劳动力市场强劲。

2024-10-20 17:27:56
Economist Hyman expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points this week, the economy will achieve a soft landing

Ed Hyman of Evercore ISI, one of Wall Street's most closely watched and respected economists, expects the Fed to cut interest rates by 50 basis points on Wednesday and eventually achieve a soft landing. "I would be shocked if they don't cut rates by 50 basis points tomorrow," Hyman, founder and chairperson of Evercore ISI, said in an interview. Hyman's turnaround comes at a critical time for the U.S. economy and financial marekt. The Fed is widely expected to open...

2024-09-17 23:30:00

Evercore ISI的Ed Hyman是华尔街最受关注和推崇的经济学家之一,他预计美联储将在周三降息50个基点并最终实现软着陆。“如果他们明天不降息50个基点,我会感到震惊,”该公司创始人兼董事长Hyman在接受采访时说。Hyman的转变正值美国经济和金融市场的关键时刻。外界普遍预计美联储将开...

2024-09-17 23:30:00