On March 23rd, trader Eugene posted a graphic on his personal channel saying that he believes that the current market has entered the fifth stage in the chart (long losses, currency price consolidation, volume and volatility shrinking). At this stage, some strong counterfeit products have reached the bottom, but still uncertain about the price of most assets.
3月23日消息,交易员 Eugene 在个人频道发布图文表示,其认为当前市场已经进入了图中的第五阶段(多头亏损、币价盘整、成交量及波动性萎缩)。在这个阶段,一些较强的山寨币已经到了底部,但仍然不确定大多数资产的...
On March 12, top trader Eugene NgAhSio posted on his personal channel that the empty orders opened at $84,200 in Bitcoin earlier tonight have been positioned squaring, and these transactions are almost irrelevant to their profit and loss, but they allow them to better grasp the pulse of the market and stay sharp when really needed.
3月12日消息,顶级交易员Eugene NgAhSio在个人频道发文表示,今晚早些时候在比特币8.42万美元开设的空单已经平仓,这些交易对自己的盈亏几乎无关紧要,但它们让自己能更好地把握市场脉搏,并在真正需要时保持敏锐。
On March 12, trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio wrote on his personal channel, "SOL orders have taken profit, and the main reason for choosing to reduce risk rather than wait for higher prices is that the stock market is still plummeting. I choose to exit and reassess first, rather than boldly assuming that cryptocurrencies will be relatively strong in a [very short] time frame."
3月12日消息,交易员 Eugene Ng Ah Sio 在个人频道发文表示,“SOL 多单已止盈,选择降低风险而非等待更高价格的主要原因是股票市场仍在暴跌。我选择先退出并重新评估,而不是大胆假设加密货币在(非常短的)时间框架内会有相对强势。”
On March 11, trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio said in the Telegram group that the Solana (SOL) price has hit a small limit order at the $113 level, saying "Let's see if this marks some form of short-term bottom."
3月11日消息,交易员 Eugene Ng Ah Sio 在 Telegram 群组表示,Solana(SOL)价格已触及 113 美元位置的小额限价单,他表示"让我们看看这是否标志着某种形式的短期底部"。
Trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio wrote that "the market is moving extremely badly, and multiple ADA and SOL orders have triggered stop losses."
交易员Eugene Ng Ah Sio发文表示,“行情走势极其恶劣,ADA和SOL多单均已触发止损。”
Trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio wrote, "Start going long ADA and SOL - this seems like a good return position for a reserve coin."
交易员 Eugene Ng Ah Sio 发文表示,“开始做多 ADA 和 SOL - 对于储备币来说,这似乎是一个不错的回报率位置。”
Eugene F. Fama, a Nobel laureate in economics who has been hailed as the "father of modern finance", predicted on the Capitalisn't podcast that bitcoin would go to zero within 10 years. He argued that a blockchain-based financial system requires too much computing power to be sustainable. He said cryptocurrencies violate the basic rules of a medium of exchange and their value is highly volatile. He also questioned bitcoin's positioning as "digital gold", arguing that it would be worthless withou...