News list for "Etoday"

The South Korean Supreme Court has ruled that TerraUSD and Luna are not securities

According to Etoday, South Korea's Supreme Court has ruled that stablecoin TerraUSD and cryptocurrency Luna are not considered financial investment products or securities. The digital assets collapsed in May 2022, losing about $40 billion in value. The latest court decision could affect similar legal disputes in lower courts. In November 2022, a Seoul court rejected a prosecutor's request to seize the assets of Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, the company behind the tokens.

2025-02-19 03:34:21

据Etoday报道,韩国最高法院裁定,稳定币TerraUSD和加密货币Luna不被视为金融投资产品或证券。这些数字资产在2022年5月崩盘,价值损失约400亿美元。最新的法院判决可能会影响下级法院的类似法律纠纷。 2022年11月,首尔一家法院驳回了检察官要求没收这些代币背后的公司Terraform Labs联合创始人Daniel Shin资产的请求。当...

2025-02-19 03:34:21