News list for "Eigen"


据CoinMarket Cap数据,Solayer(LAYER)市值超越EigenLayer(EIGEN),成为市值排名第153位的加密资产。 LAYER现报1.21美元,市值达2.55亿美元,24小时内上涨14.06%,七日涨幅50.94%; EIGEN现报1.07美元,市值为2.53亿美元,24小时内下跌4.85%,七日跌幅20.81%。

2025-03-14 01:37:23
Eigenbuyer hoarded 11.21 million EIGEN in October last year and has now lost $16 million

On February 8, according to monitoring, Eigenbuyer, a well-known EigenLayer advocate, hoarded 11.21 million EIGEN in October last year, with an average entry price of $3.10. The address deposited all EIGEN in the pledge, and once made a profit of more than $27 million. With EIGEN falling to $1.7, its floating loss has reached $16 million.

2025-02-08 08:32:26


2025-02-08 08:32:26
EigenLayer: AI proxy use cases being pursued to build on AVS

EigenLayer announced a $20,000 reward on the X platform to support re-staking and secure Actively Validated Services, bringing together Ethereum's trust network into projects such as Oracles and Rollups. In addition, EigenLayer also announced that it is looking for innovative AI proxy use cases as or built on top of EigenLayer AVS.

2025-01-31 00:42:55

EigenLayer在X平台发文宣布提供2万美元奖励以支持再质押并保护主动验证服务 (Actively Validated Services ),将以太坊的信任网络汇集到预言机和Rollups等项目中。此外,EigenLayer还宣布正在寻找作为或在EigenLayer AVS上构建的创新AI代理用例。

2025-01-31 00:42:55
EigenLayer: Launch Rewards v2 protocol upgrade

EigenLayer announced in a post on the X platform that the Rewards v2 protocol upgrade is scheduled to be launched on the mainnet at 12:49 PST on January 21, with the aim of bringing greater flexibility, efficiency, and customization to rewards in the EigenLayer ecosystem. This upgrade is also the first EigenLayer Improvement Proposal (ELIP), which will introduce several enhancements, including carrier-oriented rewards, variable carrier fees, and bulk rewards collection.

2025-01-22 01:27:52
EigenLayer:推出Rewards v2协议升级

EigenLayer在X平台发文宣布,Rewards v2协议升级拟于太平洋标准时间1月21日12:49在主网上线,旨在为 EigenLayer 生态系统中的奖励带来更大的灵活性、效率和定制化,本次升级也是第一个EigenLayer改进提案 (ELIP),将引入了几项增强功能,包括运营商导向奖励、可变运营商费用、以及批量奖励领取。

2025-01-22 01:27:52
The EigenLayer Protocol Council is officially launched, and the transfer of control transaction has been locked

On January 14, according to the announcement of the Eigen Foundation, the Protocol Council has been officially launched, and the Foundation has completed the final lock-in transaction to transfer control to the Council. The Protocol Council is the core decision-making body for EigenLayer governance and is responsible for reviewing and approving EigenLayer Improvement Proposals (ELIPs) to ensure that all protocol upgrades meet security requirements and support the sustainable development of the e...

2025-01-14 03:42:44

1月14日消息,据Eigen基金会公告,协议理事会(The Protocol Council)已正式启动,基金会完成了将控制权移交给理事会的最终锁定交易。 协议理事会是EigenLayer治理的核心决策机构,负责审查和批准EigenLayer改进提案(ELIPs),以确保所有协议升级符合安全性要求并支持生态系统的可持续发展。理事会成员由Eigen生态的多元化代表组成,旨在推进协议的去中心化治理。

2025-01-14 03:42:44
Galaxy Digital, one of EIGEN's top three market makers, raised nearly 2.43 million EIGEN from Binance five hours ago.

According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Galaxy Digital, one of the three major market makers of EIGEN, raised nearly 2.43 million EIGEN from Binance five hours ago when the market crashed, worth 8.96 million US dollars, or affected by this, EIGEN rebounded 3.5% in a short time, the current price is 3.635 US dollars.

2024-12-31 02:43:08
EIGEN三大做市商之一Galaxy Digital五小时前从Binance提出近243万枚EIGEN

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,EIGEN三大做市商之一Galaxy Digital五小时前于大盘暴跌时从Binance提出了近243万枚EIGEN,价值896万美元,或受此影响,EIGEN短时反弹3.5%,现价3.635美元。

2024-12-31 02:43:08
EigenLayer: Slashing testnet has been officially launched

EigenLayer announced in a post on the X platform that the Slashing testnet has been officially launched, and the proposed protocol upgrade (ELIP-002) introduces slashing, a key tool for AVS to implement the promise of the crypto economy.

2024-12-20 14:08:00

EigenLayer 在 X 平台发文宣布,Slashing 测试网已正式上线,该提议的协议升级(ELIP-002)引入了 slashing,这是 AVS 执行加密经济承诺的关键工具。

2024-12-20 14:08:00
AltLayer: The EIGEN Token Collection Site is Now Open

According to official news, AltLayer's EIGEN token claim website is now open. Claim period: December 20, 2024 (3 AM GMT) - February 20, 2025 (3 AM GMT).

2024-12-20 03:24:58

据官方消息, AltLayer的EIGEN代币申领网站现已开放。申领期限:2024 年 12 月 20 日(3 AM GMT)- 2025 年 2 月 20 日(3 AM GMT)。

2024-12-20 03:24:58

7x24 Newsflash

19:11 2025-03-23
尽管比特币挖矿难度小幅上涨1.4%,但比特币挖矿哈希价格(矿工每单位哈希算力每天挖矿区块的收入)仍保持在每拍哈希/秒(PH/s)约48美元的水平。 来自CoinWarz的数据显示,3月23日,在第889,081个区块时,比特币挖矿难度攀升至113.76万亿,高于前一周期112.1万亿的难度。据TheMinerMag报道,低于50美元的哈希价格会对运行Antminer S...
18:43 2025-03-23
桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio:持有比特币是为了对冲通胀
据SolidIntel报道,桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio表示,持有比特币是为了对冲通胀。
18:19 2025-03-23
17:27 2025-03-23
CZ:在APX Finance做多mubarak是第一次进行链上永续合约测试,仅仅是体验而已
CZ在X平台发文表示,“在APX Finance做多mubarak是第一次进行链上永续合约测试。只是想体验一下,也想看看是否还存在矿工可提取价值(MEV)。你可能难以置信,我从未在币安(中心化交易所)交易过期货。虽然看过很多产品演示。”
16:54 2025-03-23
CZ通过公开捐款地址在 APX Finance 上用 0.04 枚BNB 开出 24.7 倍的 mubarak 多单,目前仓位已关闭
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,七分钟前,CZ 用公开捐款地址在 APX Finance 上用 0.04 枚BNB 开出了 24.7 倍的 mubarak 多单(目前仓位已关闭) - APX :已短时上涨 26%(0.64美元 > 0.081美元) - mubarak :已短时上涨 5.5%(0.146美元 > 0.154美元)
16:36 2025-03-23
16:15 2025-03-23
据Onchain Lens监测,鲸鱼@naseem花费500万美元购买了401,420枚TRUMP,平均价格为12.45美元。该鲸鱼已在TRUMP交易中获利超过1.09亿美元。
15:41 2025-03-23
特朗普在其社交平台Truth上发文表示,“I LOVE $TRUMP—SO COOL!!! The Greatest of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.
15:38 2025-03-23
Token Terminal 数据显示,贝莱德 BUIDL 基金在以太坊链上的资金部署规模已超 10 亿美元,目前触及约 11.45 亿美元。BUIDL 基金主要关注代币化现实世界资产(RWA),并在 Avalanche、Polygon、Aptos、Arbitrum 和 Optimism 等链上进行多元化投资,但以太坊仍然是其核心配置。 另据 Nansen 分析,自 2024 年 3 月 12 日以来,持有 1,000-10,000 枚 ETH 的地址数量增长了 5.65%,而持有 10,000-100,000 枚 ETH 的地...
15:29 2025-03-23
下周美国待公布的重要宏观数据如下: ·3月25日21:05,FOMC永久票委、纽约联储主席威廉姆斯在一场活动上致开幕词; ·3月27日01:10,FOMC票委、圣路易联储主席穆萨莱姆发表讲话; ·3月27日20:30,美国至3月22日当周初请失业金人数(万人),预期22.5,前值22.3; ·3月27日20:30,美国第四季度实际GDP年化季率终值,预期2.3%,前值2.3%; ·3月28日20:30,美国2月核心PCE物价指数年率,预...
15:20 2025-03-23
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间下午11:13左右,200,000,000枚USDT从HTX转至Aave。
15:00 2025-03-23
国内新闻:1. 广西梧州通报“西江梧州段被投放铅酸电池”:未发现污染源。2. 哪吒系列电影总票房破200亿,饺子导演内地票房成绩超200亿元。3. 合肥市联合调查组:三只羊公司整改符合要求,具备恢复经营条件。4. 中国石化:2024年净利润489.4亿元 全年分红派息比例达到75%。5. 香雪制药:公司股票将被实施其他风险警示,股票简称变更为“ST香雪”。6. 韩文秀:坚持深化供给侧结构性改革 不断更新旧动能、发展新动能。7. 李强会见来华出席论坛美国代表:打贸易战没有赢家 希望美方同中方更多相向而行。8. 蓝佛安:中央财政拿出“真金白银”大力促消费,提高养老金、发放育儿补贴等增强消费能力。9. 何立峰会见跨国公司负责人:中国将继续扩大高水平对外开放,欢迎跨国公司扩大在华投资深化互利共赢。国际新闻:1. 韩国山火致4人死亡,多地进入“灾难状态”。2. 意大利防长:与星链合作谈判陷入停滞。3. 土耳其伊斯坦布尔市长遭停职,已被送往监狱。4. 胡塞武装称成功袭击以色列本-古里安国际机场。5. 美联储猛亏776亿美元,为连续第二年出现巨额亏损。6. 意大利出版全球首份、完全由生成式人工智能技...