News list for "Eaglebrook"

Opinion: Ethereum is expected to rise to $10,000 in the current cycle

Mike Alfred, founder of Eaglebrook Advisors, wrote: "Bitcoin maximalists will definitely scoff at this: Ethereum could go from $2,500 to $10,000 this cycle. But that's how the liquidity cycle works. You can try to fight it, you can counter it, you can whine and complain. But it doesn't matter. Everything is going up."

2024-09-22 05:21:18

Eaglebrook Advisors 创始人 Mike Alfred 于 X 发文表示:“比特币最大主义者绝对会对此说法嗤之以鼻:以太坊在这个周期可能会从 2500 美元涨到 1 万美元。但这就是流动性周期的运作方式。你可以试着对抗它,你可以反驳它,你可以发牢骚和抱怨。但这无关紧要。一切都在上涨。”

2024-09-22 05:21:18