News list for "Dlnews"

Opinion: Whether the tariff storm subsides quickly or not is always good for risk assets such as bitcoin

According to DLNews, Noelle Acheson, author of the Crypto Is Macro Now newsletter, said that if the tariff scare subsides soon, it will be a good thing for risky assets, including bitcoin. But if not, safe-haven assets such as bitcoin can benefit from investors looking to hedge against the depreciation of their own currencies and prepare for the development of the new economy. Even so, much of Bitcoin's success depends on the strength of the US dollar. "A fall in the dollar against other currenc...

2025-02-05 16:37:21

据 DLNews 报道,《Crypto Is Macro Now》通讯的作者 Noelle Acheson 表示,如果关税恐慌很快平息,这对包括比特币在内的风险资产来说将是一件好事。但如果并非如此,比特币等避险资产可以从寻求对冲本币贬值的投资者那里受益,并为新经济的发展做好准备。 即便如此,比特币的成功很大程度上依赖于美元的强势。她指出:“美元兑其他货币下跌将有利于全球流...

2025-02-05 16:37:21
Solana Lianchuang is accused of hiding millions of dollars in pledged rewards in divorce settlement with ex-wife

According to DLNews, Solana co-founder Stephen Akridge is suspected of hiding millions of dollars in collateral payments during his bitter divorce from his ex-wife, Elisa Rossi. Rossi filed a lawsuit in California state court seeking the withheld collateral award. The couple's marriage lasted nearly a decade, during which they amassed a wealth largely derived from Akridge's founding role at Solana Labs. According to the lawsuit, Rossi claims that the divorce process was long and contentious. As ...

2024-12-27 18:47:10
Solana 联创被指在与前妻的离婚协议中隐瞒数百万美元质押奖励

据 DLNews 报道,Solana 联合创始人 Stephen Akridge 在与前妻 Elisa Rossi 的激烈离婚中,涉嫌隐瞒数百万美元的质押奖励。Rossi 在加州州法院提起诉讼,寻求被扣留的质押奖励。两人婚姻持续近十年,期间积累了大量财富,主要来源于 Akridge 在 Solana Labs 的创始角色。 根据诉讼,Rossi 声称离婚过程漫长且充满争议。作为离婚协议的一部分,她有权获得部分 SO...

2024-12-27 18:47:10
New York Mayor Adams expressed satisfaction with his cryptocurrency salary decision

New York City Mayor Eric Adams expressed satisfaction with his cryptocurrency salary decision as the price of bitcoin rose close to $100,000 this year, according to DLNews. "Remember when I first got paid in bitcoin and you all laughed at me, who's laughing now?" he said at a news conference on Tuesday. When he took office in January 2022, Adams converted about $30,000 of his salary for the first three months into bitcoin and ethereum. According to the latest financial disclosure statement, its ...

2024-12-04 19:42:09
纽约市长 Adams:对其加密货币薪资决定表示满意

据 DLNews 报道,随着比特币价格今年上涨接近 10 万美元,纽约市长 Eric Adams 对其加密货币薪资决定表示满意。“记得我第一次拿到比特币薪水时你们都嘲笑我,现在谁在笑?”他在周二的新闻发布会上说。 2022 年 1 月上任时,Adams 将首三个月约 3 万美元的薪资兑换为比特币和以太坊。根据最新财务披露声明,截至 2023 年底,其比特币持仓价值在 5,000 至 54,999 美元之间。 除 A...

2024-12-04 19:42:09
Paradigm and NotationCapital participated in seed round

On September 10th, according to DLNews, venture capital firms Paradigm and Notation Capital invested in the seed round of at an undisclosed valuation. Many cryptocurrency investors bought the project's FRIEND tokens. It is reported that the number of new users daily has dropped to single digits, and the daily fees incurred have also dropped from $2 million to less than $100. Previously, the Friend.Tech team gave up control of smart contracts after growth stalled.

2024-09-10 11:58:32

9月10日消息,据DLNews报道,风险投资公司Paradigm和Notation Capital曾以未披露的估值投资friend.tech的种子轮融资。许多加密货币投资者购买该项目的FRIEND代币。据悉,friend.tech每日新增用户数量已降至个位数,每日产生的费用也从200万美元降至不足100美元。 此前消息,Friend.Tech团队在增长停滞后放弃对智能合约的控制。

2024-09-10 11:58:32
Crypto startup raises $2.70 billion in Q2 funding

According to PitchBook data cited by DLNews, crypto startups have raised $2.70 billion in Q2 and raised 503 rounds. The amount of financing increased by 2.5% compared to the previous quarter, but the number of transactions decreased by 12.5%. PitchBook said it expects the volume and pace of investment to continue to grow throughout the year as investor sentiment picks up.

2024-08-11 19:43:14

据DLNews援引PitchBook数据,加密初创企业Q2累计融资27亿美元,融资笔数达503笔。较前一季度相比融资额增加了2.5%,但交易笔数减少了12.5%。 PitchBook表示,随着投资者情绪的回升,预计全年投资的数量和步伐将继续增长。

2024-08-11 19:43:14