据The Data Nerd监测,1 小时前,一个钱包(可能属于 Laser_Digital)向 Binance 存入了 170 万 OM(约 1149 万美元)。 去年,他以平均入场价约 0.08 美元的价格积累了 2700 万 OM。现在,他仍然拥有 675.6 万 OM(约 4567 万美元)
On March 24th, according to The Data Nerd monitoring, 3 hours ago, Galaxy Digital proposed 10,000 ETH from Binance, about 20.42 million dollars.
3月24日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,3小时前,Galaxy Digital从Binance提出1万枚ETH,约2042万美元。
In an interview with CNBC's Squawk Box, Robert Mitchnick, head of digital assets at BlackRock, pointed out that the crypto industry has always promoted bitcoin as a risk asset, but in reality, bitcoin is a "global, scarce, non-sovereign, decentralized" token. Mitch...
加密货币倡导组织 Digital Chamber 的创始人 Perianne Boring 在担任首席执行官十多年后即将卸任,该组织正在提拔其总裁 Cody Carbone 接任最高职位,而 Boring 将转任董事会主席。 数字资产领域有众多游说团体,他们在美国国会、白宫和监管机构中游说,Digital Chamber 是其中最知名的团体之一,会员数量最多,但近年来其资金一直落后于 Blockchain Association。
据 CoinDesk 报道,德国斯图加特证券交易所旗下 BX Digital 已获得瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)批准,可运营数字资产交易和结算平台,成为瑞士首家获此类许可的机构。 这家总部位于苏黎世的公司将以分布式账本技术(DLT)运营交易设施,简化代币化金融工具的交易流程。BX Digital 将利用以太坊区块链促进直接资产转移,无需中央证券存管机构等中介参与。
On March 17th, according to Crypto In America, the Canadian bitcoin mining company Bitfarms announced the successful completion of the all-stock acquisition of Stronghold Digital Mining, worth more than $110 million, becoming the largest merger between two listed bitcoin mining companies. The acquisition will make Bitfarms North American energy market share jump from 6% to 80%, especially in the United States PJM grid layout significantly enhanced. It is worth noting that Riot Platforms, the wor...
3月17日消息,据Crypto In America报道,加拿大比特币矿企Bitfarms宣布成功完成对Stronghold Digital Mining的全股票收购交易,交易价值逾1.1亿美元,成为两家上市比特币矿企之间最大规模的并购案。此次收购将使Bitfarms的北美能源市场占比从6%跃升至80%,特别是在美国PJM电网中的布局显著增强。 值得注意的是,此前全球第二大比特币矿企Riot Platforms曾试...
据官方公告,纳斯达克上市加密矿企 BIT Digital 公布 2024 财年业绩报告,其中披露 2024 财年收入为 949.9 枚比特币,比上一年下降了 37%;截至 2024 年 12 月 31 日,BIT Digital 财库中持有 741.9 枚 BTC 和 27623.2 枚 ETH,市场价值分别为 6930 万美元和 9210 万美元。
According to Lookonchain, in the past nine hours, Galaxy Digital has withdrawn 282,500 SOLs (approximately $40.5 million) from OKX, Bitstamp, Coinbase, and Binance, and pledged 274,253 SOLs (approximately $39.15 million).
据Lookonchain监测,过去9小时内,Galaxy Digital从OKX、Bitstamp、Coinbase和Binance提取了282,500枚SOL(约合4,050万美元),并质押了274,253枚SOL(约合3,915万美元)。
Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, wrote in a post: "The current balance of bitcoin available to the US government as a strategic reserve is up to 88,000 BTC, which is only 43% of the current government holdings. This is because of the approximately 198,000 BTC currently held by the US government, 112,000 BTC will be returned to Bitfinex." Note: The large amount of BTC held by the US government came from the detection of the Bitfinex theft that year. The original case occurred in Au...
Galaxy Digital 研究主管 Alex Thorn 于 X 发文表示:“目前可供美国政府用作战略储备的比特币余额最多为 88000 BTC,仅占当前政府持有量的 43%。这是因为美国政府目前持有的约 198000 BTC 中,112000 BTC 将返还给 Bitfinex。” 注:美国政府持有的大量 BTC 来自于当年对 Bitfinex 窃案的侦破行动,原案发生于 2016 年 8 月,被盗时约损失 12 万枚 BTC,Bitfinex 正尝试收回该部分 BTC,预计后...
Fox Business News reporter Eleanor Terrett has released an updated list (and more to come) of the White House Crypto Summit this Friday: Garlinghouse (Ripple CEO), Chris Giancarlo (former CFTC Chairperson and Senior Counsel to Willkie), Nathan McCauley (Anchorage Digital CEO), Kris Marszalek (Crypto.com), Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss (Gemini founders), Vlad Tenev (Robinhood CEO), Arjun Sethi (Kraken CEO), Michael Saylor (Strategy founder), Brian Armstrong (Coinbase CEO), Sergey Nazaro...