News list for "Cube"

Layer3 will airdrop $15 million in L3 tokens to early adopters and CUBE miners

Whales Market said on the X platform that its Pre-Market has launched Layer3, which will airdrop $15 million in L3 tokens to early adopters and CUBE miners. Additionally, the airdrop inspection website is about to go live.

2024-05-15 07:13:11

Whales Market在X平台表示,其Pre-Market已上线Layer3,Layer3将向早期用户和CUBE矿工空投1,500万美元的L3代币,此外,空投检查网站即将上线。

2024-05-15 07:13:11
Cube Exchange creates a guardianship committee to prevent exchange fraud

Cube, a digital asset trading platform Exchange has established a guardianship committee aimed at preventing exchange fraud. The Guardianship Committee is composed of a group of industry participants from the Solana Foundation, Everstack, Triton One, Juicy Stack, and Kiln. These participants will act as Cubes An independent third-party verifier for Exchange and to prevent fraudulent withdrawals from occurring. This design will prevent another situation similar to FTX, where centralized exchanges...

2024-03-26 14:27:54

数字资产交易平台 Cube.Exchange 创建了监护委员会,旨在防止交易所欺诈。监护委员会由来自 Solana 基金会、Everstake、Triton One、Juicy Stake 和 Kiln 的一组行业参与者组成。这些参与者将充当 Cube.Exchange 的独立第三方验证者,并防止欺诈性提款的发生。这种设计会防止另一种类似 FTX 的情况发生,即中心化交易所被判滥用客户资金和欺骗贷方。(Blockworks)

2024-03-26 14:27:54