News list for "Craig"

Morning News List of important developments overnight on December 20

21:00-7:00 Keywords: Craig Wright, MARA, Worldcoin, Hut 8 1. US President-elect Donald Trump has called for the abolition of the debt ceiling. Craig Wright was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for two years. 3. The SEC has accepted the submission of amendments to the Franklin Crypto Index ETF. MARA acquired 15,574 bitcoins and held a total of 44,394 bitcoins. 5. German regulators have ordered Worldcoin to delete human eye biometric data. 6. Hut 8 surpassed Tesla to become the fourth l...

2024-12-19 23:29:48

21:00-7:00关键词:Craig Wright、MARA、Worldcoin、Hut 8 1.美国当选总统特朗普呼吁废除债务上限; 2.澳本聪Craig Wright被判12个月监禁,缓刑两年; 3.美SEC已接受富兰克林加密指数ETF修正案的提交; 4.MARA收购15,574个比特币,总持有44,394个比特币; 5.德国监管机构命令Worldcoin删除人体眼球生物识别数据; 6.Hut 8超越特斯拉成为第四个持仓超1万枚BTC的上市公司; 7.萨尔瓦多...

2024-12-19 23:29:48
澳本聪Craig Wright被判12个月监禁,缓刑两年

自称是中本聪的澳大利亚科学家Craig Wright被判藐视法庭,被判 12 个月监禁,缓刑两年。据悉,他通过视频链接出庭,拒绝透露自己的具体位置,但表示将提出上诉。 此前,Wright发起了一项涉及知识产权的 9000 亿英镑“法律诉讼”。今年 3 月,英国一名法官裁定Wright 不是中本聪。加密开放专利联盟 (COPA) 于 4 月首次对 Wright 提起诉讼,试图阻止 Wri...

2024-12-19 20:55:56
Craig Wright says he is unable to appear in court in December due to autism and Christmas arrangements to participate in COPA litigation

Craig Wright argued that due to his severe autism and his Christmas schedule, he was unable to attend the December court meeting after being charged with contempt of court in a legal application filed by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA). The law firm representing COPA, Bird and Bird, claims that Wright violated his ban after deleting online notifications and filing a lawsuit against Jack Dorsey's Square Up and BTC Core. In addition to this, COPA seeks a stay of Wright's lawsuit, suspending...

2024-11-03 09:12:02
Craig Wright称因患有自闭症以及圣诞节安排无法在12月出庭参与COPA诉讼

Craig Wright 辩称,由于他患有严重的自闭症,加上圣诞节的日程安排,他无法参加 12 月的法庭会议,此前他在加密开放专利联盟(COPA)提交的法律申请中被指控藐视法庭。 代表 COPA 的律师事务所 Bird and Bird 称,Wright 在删除在线通知并向 Jack Dorsey 的 Square Up 和 BTC Core 提起诉讼后违反了他的禁令。 除此之外,COPA 寻求暂停 Wright 的诉讼,暂停相关法庭程序,直到藐视法庭...

2024-11-03 09:12:02
Craig Wright plans to sue Bitcoin Core and Square without legal representation

Craig Wright appears to be acting as his legal representative in the latest lawsuit against Bitcoin Core and Square, the payments company owned by Jack Dorsey. Bitmex Research pointed out that the UK High Court case tracker showed that Wright recently filed the lawsuit as a "party", indicating that he may file the lawsuit himself without legal representation. Although the lawsuit specifically names Bitcoin Core and Square Up Europe Ltd., the software used to distribute bitcoin, the case tracker ...

2024-10-13 02:28:03
Craig Wright拟在无律师代表情况下对Bitcoin Core和Square提起诉讼

Craig Wright 似乎在针对 Bitcoin Core 和 Jack Dorsey 旗下支付公司 Square 的最新诉讼中担任自己的法律代表。Bitmex Research 指出,英国高等法院案件追踪显示,Wright 于近日以“当事人”身份提起诉讼,这表明他可能会在没有律师代表的情况下自己提起诉讼。虽然诉讼具体点名了用于分发比特币的软件 Bitcoin Core 和 Square Up Europe Ltd.,但案件追踪页面并没有具体说明诉讼的目的。

2024-10-13 02:28:03
Peter Todd agrees with Craig Wright's negative review of HBO's documentary

On October 9th, Peter Todd wrote that Craig Wright came out and said that the HBO documentary was nonsense. At this point, I think we should take him at his word. After all, Craig Wright is the world's most important non-Satoshi expert.

2024-10-09 11:10:07
Peter Todd 认同 Craig Wright 对 HBO 的纪录片负面评价

10月9日消息,Peter Todd 发文称,Craig Wright 出来说 HBO 的纪录片是一派胡言。在这一点上,我认为我们应该相信他的话。毕竟,Craig Wright 是世界上最重要的非中本聪专家。

2024-10-09 11:10:07
Bank of America: Forecast for the Federal Reserve to end balance sheet shrinkage postponed to the end of March 2025

Bank of America strategists Mark Cabana and Katie Craig said in a note that the bank now expects the Fed to end its balance sheet reduction by the end of March 2025, compared with a previous forecast of December 2024, due to the lack of discussion of its policy by policymakers. The September FOMC meeting showed that the Fed believes that policy rate and balance sheet changes are independent of each other.

2024-09-21 01:43:25

美国银行策略师 Mark Cabana 和 Katie Craig 在报告中表示,该行如今预计美联储将在 2025 年 3 月底之前结束缩表,此前预测的结束时间则为 2024 年 12 月,原因是决策者对其政策的讨论很少。9 月 FOMC 会议表明,美联储认为政策利率和资产负债表的变动是相互独立的。(财联社)

2024-09-21 01:43:25
Bank of America: Forecast for the Federal Reserve to end balance sheet shrinkage postponed to the end of March 2025

Bank of America strategists Mark Cabana and Katie Craig said in a report that the bank now expects the Fed to end its balance sheet reduction by the end of March 2025, compared with a previous forecast of December 2024, due to little discussion of its policy by policymakers. The September FOMC meeting showed that the Fed believes that policy rate and balance sheet changes are independent of each other.

2024-09-20 21:09:05

美国银行策略师Mark Cabana和Katie Craig在报告中表示,该行如今预计美联储将在2025年3月底之前结束缩表,此前预测的结束时间则为2024年12月,原因是决策者对其政策的讨论很少。9月FOMC会议表明,美联储认为政策利率和资产负债表的变动是相互独立的。

2024-09-20 21:09:05
JPMorgan Chase: Federal Reserve hints it will be more cautious about easing cycles

Kerry Craig, global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management, said in a note that the Fed had signalled it would take a more cautious approach to the easing cycle. Mr. Powell had communicated well by balancing the "urgency of returning to neutral interest rates" with an acknowledgement of "relatively stable economic conditions," Mr. Craig said. The focus has also shifted more to a jobs-first approach rather than inflation, Mr. Craig added. The scale of the rate cut could be...

2024-09-19 06:06:23


2024-09-19 06:06:23