Coinbase is in advanced talks to acquire crypto trading platform Deribit.
South Korean financial authorities are planning to impose sanctions on crypto trading platforms such as BitMEX, KuCoin, CoinW, Bitunix and KCEX that are not registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) but offer Korean-language website services. The FIU said the exchanges were not registered as virtual asset service providers (VASPs) as required and were therefore considered to be operating illegally. Officials said plans to block access to these unregistered overseas exchanges are bein...
韩国金融当局正计划对 BitMEX、KuCoin、CoinW、Bitunix 和 KCEX 等未在金融情报机构(FIU)注册、却提供韩语网站服务的加密交易平台采取制裁措施。FIU 表示,上述交易所未按规定注册为虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP),因此被视为非法经营。相关官员称,正与韩国通信标准委员会协商,审议封锁这些未注册海外交易所访问权限的方案,预计年内将出台具体措施。
Coinbase 首席执行官 Brian Armstrong 近日在社交媒体上就此前美财政部解除对 Tornado Cash 制裁一事发表看法:“没有人希望看到不法分子使用加密货币。但隐私对许多守法公民来说是一项重要功能,而且你不能制裁开源代码(这是一个言论自由问题)。很高兴看到这个问题得到解决。” 他补充道:“我们期待与财政部合作,寻找打击加密货币领域约 0.1%...
On March 21, the TON Foundation denied the claim of "raising" $400 million, and clarified that some well-known venture capital institutions hold Toncoin worth more than $400 million.
3月21日消息,TON 基金会否认「筹集」4 亿美元的说法,并澄清称,部分知名风投机构持有的 Toncoin 价值超过 4 亿美元。
据Arkham监测数据显示,大约2小时前,贝莱德旗下以太坊交易所交易基金ETHA向Coinbase Prime Deposit地址转移总计4541枚ETH,价值891万美元。
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale/institution that held ETH for 8 years transferred 34,000 ETH ($67.18 million) to Coinbase 5 hours ago. He/they made 44 times ($65.68 million) on ETH. He/They received and hoarded 34,000 ETH through @bitfinex, @Changelly_team, @ShapeShift in March 2017, when the price of ETH was only 44 dollars, and these ETH were worth 1.50 million dollars. The time he/they hoarded ETH was just before ETH took off, and ETH rose from double digits to...
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个持有 ETH 达 8 年时间的鲸鱼/机构,5 小时前将 3.4 万枚 ETH (6718万美元) 转进 Coinbase。他/他们在 ETH 上获得了 44 倍 (6568 万美元) 的收益。 ◎他/他们是在 2017 年 3 月通过 @bitfinex 、 @Changelly_team 、@ShapeShift 接收并囤积这 3.4 万枚 ETH,当时 ETH 价格仅为 $44,这些 ETH 价值 $150 万美元。 ◎他/他们囤积 ETH 的时间正好在 ETH 起飞前,此后几个月时间 ETH 就从两位数涨到了...
Coinbase 将 AltLayer (ALT)、Pendle (PENDLE) 和 Layer3 (L3) 添加至资产上市路线图。
According to the official announcement, Coinbase International will launch AKT, ZEC, and WELL.
According to the official announcement, Coinbase has included FAI in its listing roadmap.