News list for "Central"

The Russian Central Bank has proposed a three-year cryptocurrency trading pilot for high-asset investors

Russia's central bank has proposed a three-year cryptocurrency trading pilot for investors with more than $11.50 million in assets or more than $50 million in annual income, pending government approval.

2025-03-13 10:05:46
China's central bank reverse repurchase operation achieved a net return of 68.60 billion yuan on the same day

On March 13th, the People's Bank of China launched a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 35.90 billion yuan today. Because 104.50 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase expired today, a net refund of 68.60 billion yuan was achieved on the same day. To see the flow of funds in the open market, go to "Database - Bank of China Data" to view > >

2025-03-13 01:21:00
The Russian Central Bank will allow investors to make limited cryptocurrency purchases

According to BBG, the Russian central bank will allow investors to make limited cryptocurrency purchases.

2025-03-12 12:16:55
China's central bank reverse repurchase operation achieved a net return of 177.80 billion yuan on the same day

On March 12, the People's Bank of China launched a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 175.40 billion yuan today. Because 353.20 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase expired today, a net refund of 177.80 billion yuan was achieved on the same day. To see the flow of funds in the open market, go to "Database - Bank of China Data" to view > >

2025-03-12 01:22:56
ECB Governing Council Rennes: If the data support, we will not lower interest rates in April, but will stay on the sidelines.

ECB Governing Council Rennes: If the data support, we will not lower interest rates in April, but will stay on the sidelines.

2025-03-11 09:45:34
China's central bank reverse repurchase operation achieved a net return of 500 million yuan on the same day

On March 11th, the People's Bank of China launched a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 37.70 billion yuan today. Because 38.20 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase expired today, a net refund of 500 million yuan was achieved on the same day. To see the flow of funds in the open market, go to "Database - Bank of China Data" to view > >

2025-03-11 01:21:01
Arthur Hayes: Don't rush to bottom fishing, wait until the Fed and central banks "release water" before adding positions

Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, wrote, "Here's the plan: be patient, don't rush. Bitcoin is likely to bottom around $70,000, and a 36% drop from an all-time high of $110,000 is a normal bull market correction. Then we need to see the stock market, especially the SPX (S & P 500) and NDX (Nasdaq 100) fall sharply. Then, the "...

2025-03-11 01:26:54
Survey: More than half of respondents believe that by the end of 2026, the European Central Bank's interest rate will be reduced from the current 2.5% to 1.51% -2.0%.

According to a report by Golden Ten Data, Quilter Investors' latest investor trend survey shows that interest rates from the Bank of England and the European Central Bank appear to be too restrictive. About 40 per cent of investors expect UK rates to fall from the current 4.5 per cent to "a range of 3.26-3.75 per cent", the survey said. Quilter also said that as many as 57% of investors expect ECB interest rates to fall from the current 2.5% to 1.51% to 2.0% by the end of 2026.

2025-03-10 11:00:32
European Central Bank President: European Union plans to launch digital euro in October

According to Cointelegraph, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said that the European Union plans to launch a digital euro in October. Earlier, the president of the European Central Bank said that the digital euro cannot be advanced unless the legislation is completed.

2025-03-10 05:01:12
Investment banks cut expectations for ECB interest rate cuts

In the coming week, investors will continue to ponder the impact of Germany's massive fiscal stimulus package, which has led to a sharp rise in German Bund yields, and the impact of Germany's planned increase in defense spending. In particular, investors are interested in how fiscal expansion will affect economic growth and inflation in Europe, and how this will affect the European Central Bank's monetary policy. Vanguard and Alliance Bernstein already expect the ECB to cut interest rates by mor...

2025-03-09 05:03:30
The European Central Bank plans to establish a CBDC by October 2025.

The European Central Bank plans to establish a CBDC by October 2025.

2025-03-08 19:36:14
Nomura Securities: The European Central Bank is expected to implement only one 25 basis point interest rate cut this year

Nomura said it expected the ECB to cut interest rates only once this year by 25 basis points. It had previously forecast two rate cuts of 25 basis points each. (Jin Ten)

2025-03-07 04:19:19
HSBC: European Central Bank gradually cuts interest rates or boosts risk assets

Hussain Mehdi, macro and investment strategist at HSBC Asset Management, said in a note that he expected the ECB to continue gradually cutting interest rates after cutting by 25 basis points on Thursday. Mr. Mehdi said the ECB's slow pace of rate cuts was likely to boost the performance of European risk assets. "Against the backdrop of fading US exceptionalism, we believe the global equity rally, including the outperformance of eurozone equities, will continue further in 2025."

2025-03-06 16:21:28
The European Central Bank forecasts oil prices at $74.7 per barrel in 2025.

The European Central Bank forecasts oil prices at $74.7 per barrel in 2025.

2025-03-06 14:48:17
Goldman Sachs: The European Central Bank is not expected to cut interest rates in July

Goldman Sachs said it expects the ECB's base rate to reach 2% by June. The central bank is not expected to cut rates in July, compared with a previous forecast of a 25 basis point cut. (Golden Ten)

2025-03-06 04:18:47

7x24 Newsflash

10:56 2025-03-14
10:44 2025-03-14
10:41 2025-03-14
“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的对手盘是此前报道过的“ETH高胜率波段巨鲸”,过去40分钟内,他在链上直接以均价13.98美元抛售了47万枚LINK,价值657万美元;期间又分两次以13.94美元从币安提出47万枚LINK,一来一回“搬砖”赚差价。此外,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的第二个500万枚USDC限价单也已成交,目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK(约1204.5万美元),成本13.95美元...
10:38 2025-03-14
据@ai_9684xtpa 监测,ETH 高胜率波段鲸鱼在近 40 分钟内于链上抛售 47 万枚 LINK,累计套现 657 万美元。 此外,该地址还又分两次以 13.94 美元从 Binance 提出 47 万枚 LINK,以赚取差价。
10:29 2025-03-14
据英国媒体《天空新闻台》报道,英国警方和检察官表示,一名国家犯罪调查局(NCA)官员在调查网络有组织犯罪期间涉嫌盗窃近6万英镑的比特币,已被起诉。默西塞德郡警方发言人表示,42岁的Paul Chowles被指控与2017年涉嫌盗窃50枚比特币相关的15项罪名。八年前,这些加密货币的价值接近6万英镑,而现在的价值超过300万英镑。Chowles将于下月出庭利物浦地方法院。
10:13 2025-03-14
10:10 2025-03-14
3月14日消息,据巴西媒体《环球报》(O Globo)报道,巴西计划通过利用区块链技术来简化金砖国家(BRICS)成员国之间进出口合同的国际金融交易。这一议题将成为巴西轮值主席国任期内的优先事项之一。巴西的轮值主席国任期从2025年1月开始,为期一年。该提案与此前提出的创建金砖国家共同货币的设想...
09:55 2025-03-14
09:55 2025-03-14
据多位与会者称,在周二由比特币政策研究所主办的闭门圆桌会议上,总统数字资产工作组执行董事 Bo Hines 告诉与会者,白宫打算尽可能多地收购比特币。当房间里有人问美国政府最终可能会收购多少比特币时,Hines 开玩笑说,这个问题就像问一个人他们想要多少美元一样。 一位白宫官员证实,Hines 确实发表了关于尽可能多...
09:49 2025-03-14
CZ :华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实
币安创始人 CZ 在 X 发文称,"华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实。我们致力于长期建设!"
09:43 2025-03-14
美国众议员 Byron Donalds 计划提交立法草案,以将特朗普政府本月签署的行政命令正式立法,该命令旨在建立战略比特币储备和美国数字资产储备。该法案若通过,将确保该政策不会因未来总统的行政命令被撤销。 特朗普的行政命令要求财政部设立比特币储备,以持有约 20 万枚比特币,并授权财政部和商务部制定“预...
09:40 2025-03-14
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Hyperliquid 50 倍杠杆巨鲸近期进行了以下操作: 1:归还此前从 Aave 借出的 11 万枚 LINK,未用于追加仓位。 2:提取 1108 枚 WETH 的保证金转入 CowSwap 开设限价单准备卖出。