News list for "Cellula"

Virtual mining project Cellula announces 1,500 BNB buyback plan

The Cellula virtual mining project recently announced that it will use the agreement income of 1500 BNB to buy back and destroy CELA tokens. This move aims to enhance the value of CELA and stimulate the long-term sustainable development of the ecosystem. CELA was listed on the shelves of and Lbank at 18:00 on November 14, and is currently up 21% on the day.

2024-12-02 12:33:12
虚拟挖矿项目 Cellula 宣布 1500 枚 BNB 回购计划

Cellula 虚拟挖矿项目近日宣布将利用 1500 枚 BNB 的协议收入回购并销毁 CELA 代币,这一举措旨在提升 CELA 的价值,激励生态的长期可持续发展。 CELA 已于 11 月 14 日 18:00 在 和 Lbank 上架交易,目前当日涨幅达 21%。

2024-12-02 12:33:12
Cellula unveils token economy model, airdrops account for 5%

The chain game Cellula announced the CELA token economic model. The total supply of CELA is 1 billion pieces, of which 35% of the total mining reward distribution; 23% of the total Treasury/Foundation distribution; 15% of the total team distribution; 15% of the total investor distribution; 7% of the total cooperation and consultant distribution; 5% of the total airdrop distribution. The 5% airdrop consists of Energy, Cell BitNFT, Life Points, and pre-event airdrops. Each part is unlocked in diff...

2024-11-07 13:19:36

链游Cellula公布 CELA 代币经济模型,CELA 总供应量为 10亿枚,其中挖矿奖励分配总量的 35%;Treasury/ 基金会分配总量的 23%;团队分配总量的 15%;投资者分配总量的 15%;合作和顾问分配总量的 7%;空投分配总量的 5%。其中5%空投由Energy, BitCell NFT, Life Points, 前期活动空投组成,每部分按照不同比例解锁,分2-6个月进行完全解锁。

2024-11-07 13:19:36
Cellula Mining Raffle 1 USDT Bitcoin Drawing Event Final Week Prize to be Announced on October 30

On October 24th, according to official reports, the number of participants in the Mining Raffle 1 USDT 1 Bitcoin event held by Cellula from October 17th to 30th continued to grow on the BNBSmartChain. During the first week of the event, Cellula firmly ranked first in the Dappbay gaming circuit, with a maximum of over 100 transactions in a single block of the BSC, a total of 48,000 transactions in 7 days, and a cumulative block transaction volume of 80BNB.

2024-10-24 04:13:02
Cellula Mining Raffle 1 USDT抽取比特币活动最终周奖将于10月30日公布

10月24日消息,据官方报道,Cellula在10月17日至30日期间举办的Mining Raffle 1 USDT抽取1枚比特币活动在BNBSmartChain上参与人数持续增长。 在活动的第一周,Cellula在Dappbay游戏赛道中稳居第一,在BSC的一个区块内,交易笔数最多超过100笔,7天内的交易总笔数达到48,000笔,累积区块交易量达80BNB。

2024-10-24 04:13:02
Cellula early backers will receive 1 million additional CELL airdrops

On May 23rd, the chain game Cellula has updated its fee, refund policy and upcoming token generation event (TGE) program. In addition, early backers will receive an additional 1 million CELL tokens as a thank you. TGE is planned to be held in the third quarter of 2024, but no later than the fourth quarter.

2024-05-23 14:19:53


2024-05-23 14:19:53
Cellula completes a $2 million Pre Seed round of financing, with SevenX Ventures and OKX Ventures jointly leading the investment

On April 5th, it was reported that Cellula, a full chain AI game, has completed a $2 million Pre Seed round of financing, with SevenX Ventures and OKX Ventures jointly leading the investment, and Mask Network, Foresight Ventures and others participating. The team stated that the new funds will be used for multi chain deployment, new game development, team operations, and more.

2024-04-05 01:27:21
Cellula完成200万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,SevenX Ventures与OKX Ventures联合领投

4月5日消息,全链AI游戏Cellula完成200万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,SevenX Ventures与OKX Ventures联合领投,Mask Network、Foresight Ventures等参投。团队表示新资金将用于多链部署、新品游戏开发、团队运营等。

2024-04-05 01:27:21

7x24 Newsflash

05:31 2025-03-22
05:19 2025-03-22
Bithumb将上线Across Protocol(ACX)韩元交易对
3月22日消息,据官方公告,韩国加密交易所 Bithumb 将上线 Across Protocol(ACX)韩元交易对,预计于 3 月 22 日下午 5 点开放交易。
05:01 2025-03-22
白宫数字资产政策顾问Bo Hines在接受Crypto In America最新采访时表示,特朗普政府将探索为战略比特币储备 (SBR) 提供资金的创新方式,确保不会增加美国纳税人的负担,而美国可以利用其黄金储备所产生的利润来为其战略比特币储备提供资金。不过,分析认为Bo Hines的说辞目的是为了安抚美国人,因为最近一项调查显示51%的美国人不赞成建立战略比特币储备,这一...
04:58 2025-03-22
3月22日消息,据加密分析师 Ali Martinez 在 X 平台披露,比特币链上交易者的平均亏损率为 13.86%。从历史上看,该水平表明抛售压力可能正在减弱。
04:30 2025-03-22
04:00 2025-03-22
金色午报 | 3月22日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:稳定币法案、SOL、富达 1.“推特蓝鸟”标识拍卖价约为3.5万美元; 2.某比特币矿工独自挖出一个区块,共获得26.6万美元奖励; 3.昨日灰度GBTC净流出2190万美元,迷你ETH净流入670万美元; 4.美国众议院委员会将于4月2日审议推进稳定币法案; 5.某鲸鱼地址在沉寂1年后解除质押3.88万枚SOL,仍亏损10万美元; 6.富达将推出投资美国国库券的代币化基金,与贝莱德BUIDL竞争; ...
03:54 2025-03-22
3月22日消息,据FarsideInvestors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊 ETF 净流出 1860 万美元,其中:贝莱德 ETHA:- 1190 万美元灰度迷你 ETH:- 670 万美元
03:45 2025-03-22
3月22日消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,在白俄罗斯,莫吉廖夫地区已开始准备建设加密货币矿场的场地,该倡议得到了总统亚历山大·卢卡申科的支持。 此前消息,白俄罗斯在特朗普储备计划之后考虑将过剩电力用于比特币挖矿。
03:27 2025-03-22
Amber Group过去12小时累计向Binance充值价值1035万美元的ENA
3月22日消息,据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,ENA做市商之一的AmberGroup过去12小时累计向Binance充值价值1,035万美元的ENA。其中696万枚(约合250万美元)的代币是两周前从Binance以均价0.3979美元提出的,另外2187万枚(约合785万美元)代币是2024年4月至7月期间从Ethena Claim地址收到的。
03:12 2025-03-22
03:02 2025-03-22
据市场消息,富达将推出投资美国国库券的代币化基金,与贝莱德的 BUIDL 竞争。
02:53 2025-03-22