News list for "Camelot"

The trading volume of ApeChain has reached 25 million US dollars within 12 hours of its launch

The multi-chain DEX Camelot official said that the transaction volume of ApeChain has reached 25 million US dollars in the 12 hours before its launch, and more than 148 liquidity pools have been created.

2024-10-20 09:18:53

多链 DEX Camelot 官方表示,ApeChain 上线前 12 小时内交易量已达到 2500 万美元,并已创建超过 148 个流动池。

2024-10-20 09:18:53
Camelot brand upgraded to Orbital Liquidity Network

On August 29th, Arbitrum Ecosystem DEX Camelot announced the brand upgrade to Orbital Liquidity Network (Orbital Liquidity Network) on the X platform. Orbital Liquidity Network is the evolutionary vision of Camelot. Castle will connect and coordinate Orbit chains to create a unified Arbitrum ecosystem. Its role is not limited to infrastructure, Camelot now acts as a hub for these decentralized chains. Camelot will create network effects so that Orbit chains are no longer isolated, but connected ...

2024-08-29 03:39:08
Camelot品牌升级为Orbital Liquidity Network

8月29日消息,Arbitrum生态DEX Camelot在X平台宣布品牌升级为Orbital Liquidity Network(Orbital流动性网络)。Orbital Liquidity Network是Camelot的进化愿景,​​Castle将连接和协调Orbit链,创建统一的Arbitrum生态系统。它的作用不仅限于基础设施,Camelot现在充当这些去中心化链的枢纽。Camelot将创造网络效应,让Orbit链不再孤立,而是与更广泛的Arbitru...

2024-08-29 03:39:08
Camelot: Received 1.545 million ARB token grants to be distributed weekly over the next 3 months

On June 24th, news, Arbitrum ecology DEXCamelot tweeted that it will start a new round of ARB liquidity activity EPOCH1 from June 25th to July 7th. At present, Camelot has received 1.545 million ARB token grants and will be distributed on a weekly basis in the next 3 months. The official said that the partner pool is still the focus of its ARB rewards, and the rewards will be distributed to the V3 pool and vault through Merkl.

2024-06-24 02:12:17


2024-06-24 02:12:17
Arbitrum生态DEX Camelot在XAI上线

4月24日消息,Arbitrum生态DEX Camelot宣布在Arbitrum生态游戏Layer3解决方案XAI上线。

2024-04-24 06:31:46
Camelot Protocol completes angel round financing to drive its DePIN product development

Camelot Protocol has announced the completion of its angel round financing, with participation from DWF Labs, Titanomachy Societe Anonyme, Web3 Research, and Defi Lab Ventures, as well as other well-known individual investors in the digital industry, for an undisclosed amount. The funds raised will primarily be used for the development and hardware production of its DePIN product, as well as the development and maintenance of Layer3 based on Bitcoin EVM Layer2, which now supports MerlinChain.

2024-04-16 15:20:48
Camelot Protocol完成天使轮融资以推动其DePIN产品开发

Camelot Protocol 已宣布完成其天使轮融资,DWF Labs、Titanomachy Societe Anonyme、Web3 Research 和 Defi Lab Ventures 及其他数位行业内知名的个人投资者参投,具体数额未公开。 所筹集的资金将主要用于其 DePIN 产品的研发和硬件生产,与基于比特币 EVM Layer2 上的 Layer3 的开发和维护,现已支持 MerlinChain。

2024-04-16 15:20:48
Camelot: Rewards for USDe/USDC v3 pool have been launched

The Arbitrum ecosystem DEX Camelot posted on the X platform stating that rewards for the USDe/USDC v3 pool have been launched, and users can manually provide liquidity to earn market maker rewards or deposit Gammvault to start earning incentives.

2024-03-31 04:25:02
Camelot:针对USDe/USDC v3池的奖励已上线

Arbitrum生态DEX Camelot在X平台发文表示,针对USDe/USDC v3池的奖励已上线,用户可手动提供流动性以赚取做市商奖励或存入Gammavault以开始赚取激励。

2024-03-31 04:25:02
Lumoz announces strategic partnership with Camelot Protocol to provide ZK RaaS solution

The ZK RaaS platform and modular computing layer, Lumoz, announced a strategic partnership with the Layer3 protocol, Camelot Protocol, to provide them with ZK RaaS solutions. Camelot will launch a re pledge feature on March 28th based on the Lumoz ZK RaaS solution. In the future, Camelot Protocol will also provide comprehensive assistance to Lumoz's ecological development in brand building, community promotion, and other aspects. Lumoz will also use its own advantages to support Camelot in furth...

2024-03-27 13:40:02
Lumoz宣布与Camelot Protocol达成战略合作,将提供ZK-RaaS解决方案

ZK-RaaS平台兼模块化算力层Lumoz宣布和Layer3协议Camelot Protocol达成战略合作,并为其提供ZK-RaaS解决方案。Camelot将在Lumoz ZK-RaaS解决方案的基础上,于3月28日推出再质押功能。未来,Camelot Protocol还将在品牌建设、社区宣传等全方位协助Lumoz生态发展,Lumoz也将利用其自身优势,支持Camelot进一步优化产品体验,从而丰富用户的链上交互体验。

2024-03-27 13:40:02

7x24 Newsflash

07:05 2025-03-27
据链上分析师Ai姨监测,币安钱包的新币IDO或为KiloEx的代币KILO。 链上数据显示,某笔16小时前的交易记录解析结果为KILO代币,即BSC生态Perp DEX项目KiloEx的代币,方法名“Create IDO”,而2天前,PARTI的交易记录同样调用了同样的方法名“Create IDO”,此后币安钱包宣布上线Particle独家TGE。
06:53 2025-03-27
链上防火墙提供商Harpie宣布已决定立即关闭服务,并提醒用户断开钱包与Harpie RPC的连接。Harpie表示,由于未能建立可持续的商业模式,虽致力于打造“零盗窃”的加密生态,但最终无法继续运营。
06:50 2025-03-27
06:34 2025-03-27
日本央行观察人士表示,美国总统特朗普宣布的汽车关税新措施大大降低了日本央行在5月会议加息的可能性。伊藤忠研究所首席经济学家Atsushi Takeda表示,“5月加息的可能性更低了,日本央行必须仔细研究关税对经济的影响。他们不可能在5月的会议之前完成这项工作。”在美国宣布这一举措之际,日本央行正...
06:34 2025-03-27
据Android Authority,多年来,安卓系统的开发过程一直对公众开放,允许外界查看谷歌的工作进度。但这种情况即将改变,谷歌证实,他们将开始完全在内部分支机构开发安卓操作系统。谷歌还确认,公司致力于发布安卓的源代码,因此这一变化并不意味着安卓将变成闭源平台。
06:19 2025-03-27
3月27日消息,据官方公告,OKX即将上线FLUID(Fluid)现货交易。据悉,Fluid是一个将借贷和DEX交易所功整合到一个产品中的DeFi协议。 具体时间安排如下: FLUID开放充币时间:2025年3月27日下午2:00 (UTC+8) FLUID集合竞价时间段:2025年3月27日下午5:00至6:00 (UTC+8) FLUID/USDT现货交易开盘时间:2025年3月27日下午6:00 (UTC+8) FLUID开放提币时间:2025年3月28日下午6:00 (UTC+8)
06:10 2025-03-27
美参议员伊丽莎白-沃伦称稳定币法案是特朗普和马斯克的 “骗局”
本周三,美国参议员伊丽莎白-沃伦(Elizabeth Warren,D-MA)将矛头对准了国会正在审议的一项以稳定币为重点的法案,指责美国总统唐纳德-特朗普利用该法案谋取自己的经济利益。 这位马萨诸塞州参议员在链接一篇关于特朗普总统的去中心化金融项目--世界自由金融公司(World Liberty Financial)在...
06:01 2025-03-27
据官方消息,Pendle 宣布正式上线 Berachain,成为其发展的第八条公链。首发上线的池子包括 Infrared 的 iBGT 和 iBERA 市场,两者分别是流动封装版本的 BGT 和 BERA。
05:58 2025-03-27
05:58 2025-03-27
Avalon Labs宣布将支持贝莱德BUIDL基金
Avalon Labs宣布将支持贝莱德通过Securitize平台推出的BUIDL基金,并将RWA收益纳入旗下收益型比特币稳定币sUSDa。用户持有sUSDa可直接获得美债与比特币带来的链上收益,实现双重收益增长。
05:37 2025-03-27
据Onchain Lens监测,某巨鲸在7小时前从Kraken提取了1427枚ETH(约293万美元)后将其质押进Lido Finance。在过去6个半月内,该巨鲸累计从CEX提取5861枚ETH(约1723万美元),目前亏损约534万美元。
05:37 2025-03-27
ElphaPex发布新一代高效风冷矿机 ElphaPex DG2
3月27日消息,在2025年3月26日于迈阿密举行的Mining Disrupt展会期间,ElphaPex正式发布了全新一代LTC/DOGE矿机——ElphaPex DG2。作为DG系列的最新力作,DG2延续了ElphaPex对技术极限的不断追求。 最值得关注的是,DG2成为首款能效比突破0.2 J/MH的LTC/DOGE矿机,率先实现0.19 J/MH的全新功效比纪录,标志着LTC/DOGE挖矿正式迈入0.1x时代,为全球矿工带来前所未有的...