2月18日消息,据Beincrypto引援未经证实的报道,LIBRA团队还与尼日利亚官员就发行另一种不稳定的meme币进行了谈判。截至目前,尚无证据表明尼日利亚总统Bola Tinubu与LIBRA有直接关联,但据报道,他的团队正在进行密切谈判。...
据Beincrypto报道,尼日利亚经济与金融犯罪委员会(EFCC)捣毁一大型加密货币犯罪团伙,拘捕数百名潜在犯罪分子,其中53人已被正式起诉。警方仅追回约20万美元的资产,但已确认存在近300万美元的其他各类存款。鉴于犯罪活动的全球蔓延,该行动的总涉案金额以及这些资产的洗钱地点尚不确定。 据报道,这些诈骗犯实施了多项不同行动,但均属于加密货币犯罪的范畴。
According to BeInCrypto, blockchain investigator ZachXBT has revealed that Coinbase users have lost at least $150 million to social scams in the past year, with cases he independently confirmed alone reaching that amount. In the latest case, a user was scammed out of 110 cbBTC (worth $11.50 million) on the Base network. Attackers used instant exchanges to quickly launder funds, making tracking and recovery nearly impossible through cross-platform exchanges and bridging operations. Za...
据 BeInCrypto 报道,区块链调查员ZachXBT披露,Coinbase用户在过去一年中因社会诈骗损失了至少1.5亿美元,仅他独立确认的案件就达到这一金额。 而最新案例中,一名用户在Base网络上被骗走110 cbBTC(价值1150万美元)。攻击者利用即时交易所迅速清洗资金,通过跨平台的兑换和桥接操作,使资金追踪和追回变得几乎不可能。 Za...
According to beincrypto, Meta shareholder Ethan Peck has submitted a proposal urging the company to allocate a portion of its $72 billion cash reserves to Bitcoin. The proposal cites BTC's potential as a hedge against inflation as well as its superior performance compared to traditional assets. In the proposal, Peck expressed concern about inflation eroding the value of the cash held by Meta. He believes that compared to traditional assets, Bitcoin represents...
据beincrypto报道,Meta股东伊桑·佩克 (Ethan Peck) 提交了一份提案,敦促该公司将其 720 亿美元现金储备的一部分分配给比特币。该提案引用了BTC作为对冲通货膨胀的潜力以及与传统资产相比的卓越表现。在该提案中,派克对通货膨胀侵蚀Meta持有的现金价值表示担忧。他认为,与传统资产相比,比特币表...
On January 7th, according to Beincrypto, Federal Reserve Vice Chairperson of Supervision Michael Barr announced today that he will step down from the position. Barr will no longer serve as the third-in-command of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, but he intends to remain at the Federal Reserve until further notice. The industry widely believes that Barr is the failure of Bank of America to get involved in cryptocurrencies and related issues.
1月7日消息,据Beincrypto报道,美联储监管副主席Michael Barr今日宣布他将辞去这一职务。Barr将不再担任美联储理事会的第三把手,但他打算在接到进一步通知前继续留在美联储。业界普遍认为,Barr是美国银行未能涉足加密货币及相...
On August 12, according to BeInCrypto, Momotimi Agama, the head of the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), said that the agency is cautiously open to bitcoin regulation and willing to actively explore relevant frameworks. Agama stressed that the SEC remains primarily focused on investor protection and maintaining market integrity. The regulator is committed to helping people understand the concept of cryptocurrencies and guiding them on how to properly trade digital assets. In add...
8月12日消息,据BeInCrypto报道,尼日利亚证券交易委员会(SEC)局长Momotimi Agama表示,该机构对比特币监管持谨慎开放态度,并愿意积极探索相关框架。Agama强调,SEC仍然主要关注投资者保护和市场诚信维护。该监管机构致力于帮助人们理解加密货币的概念,并指导他们如何正确交易数字资产。此外,将对不遵守SEC规定的公司或个人采取严厉措施。此前,尼日利亚拘留并指控币安高管Tigr...