News list for "Anza"

Anza proposes to implement a penalty mechanism in Solana, and some of the tokens pledged by penalized validators will be destroyed

Anza has put forward two proposals to implement slashing in the network, mainly to punish validators for so-called "duplicate blocks", that is, when the same block is created twice. Anza has not yet decided on the specific economic details of the punishment mechanism, but the authors of SIMD propose to destroy (or functionally abolish) the penalized staked tokens. Anza's Ashwin Sekar also proposes a parabolic penalty curve: if the validator has 5% of the staking...

2024-12-19 15:44:23

Anza 提出了两项提案拟在网络中实施惩罚机制(slashing),主要针对所谓的“重复区块”对验证者进行惩罚,即同一个区块被创建了两次的情况。Anza 尚未决定惩罚机制的具体经济细节,但 SIMD 的作者建议销毁(或功能性地废除)被惩罚的质押代币。Anza 的 Ashwin Sekar 还提出了一条抛物线形的惩罚曲线:如果验证者 5%的质押...

2024-12-19 15:44:23
The board of directors of US-listed company Banzai has approved its purchase of bitcoin as a reserve asset

On November 27, Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) announced that its board of directors has approved the purchase of bitcoin as a fiscal reserve asset. The board authorized Banzai to use company funds to purchase and hold bitcoin up to 10% of the company's corporate financial account to diversify financial assets and hedge against inflation. Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides basic marketing and sales solutions.

2024-11-27 01:17:03
美国上市公司 Banzai 董事会批准其购买比特币作为储备资产

11月27日消息,美国上市公司 Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) 宣布,其董事会已批准购买比特币作为财政储备资产。董事会授权 Banzai 使用公司资金购买并持有比特币,最高可达公司企业财务账户的 10%,以实现金融资产多元化和对冲通胀。 据悉,Banzai 是一家提供基本营销和销售解决方案的营销技术公司。

2024-11-27 01:17:03
Pakistan proposes to amend the SBP bill to allow the country's central bank to issue a CBDC

The Pakistani government's proposal to amend the SBP Act, or herald its attempt to legalize cryptocurrencies, marks a shift in the country's financial policy. The amendment will allow the Central Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to issue digital currencies and manage the country's currency in both physical and digital forms, in addition to granting the SBP the authority to conduct CBDC operations,...

2024-11-04 10:03:50
4E Exchange debuts at TOKEN2049 in Singapore, with exciting booths P80 & P83

On September 18th, the crypto event TOKEN2049 kicked off in Singapore. 4E was unveiled as a platinum sponsor at booth numbers P80 & P83. With its excellent security and innovative products, 4E quickly became the focus of the exhibition area, attracting the attention of a large number of attendees. During the event, which coincided with the first anniversary celebration, in addition to receiving a refreshing treat at the 4E Ice Cream Bar, 4E also planned fun interactive activities, attracting man...

2024-09-18 03:06:29
Nala Receives $40 million Series A Funding, Led by Acrew Capital

Tanzanian fintech startup Nala has raised $40 million in Series A funding to support its B2B payments platform called Rafiki. The oversubscribed round was led by San Francisco-based venture capital firm Acrew Capital, with participation from DST Global, Norrsken22 and HOF Capital.

2024-07-11 05:39:45
Tanzania plans to amend the Income Tax Law to tax cryptocurrency transactions

Tanzania plans to amend the Income Tax Act to tax cryptocurrency transactions. The proposal includes a 3% withholding tax on income from digital asset transactions. Owners of digital platforms or facilitators of digital asset transfers will act as withholding payers. Foreign nationals operating such platforms must be registered under Tanzania's simplified tax regime. The government is expected to receive an additional $178,600 (465 million shillings). Finance Minister Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba Made...

2024-06-18 02:56:06
Anza team members: Solana light client side Tinydancer launch testnet

On May 18, the head of developer relations at Anza revealed the results of a recent Solana developer community call on the X platform, which mentioned: Enterprise-grade Web3 cloud infrastructure Syndica has made significant progress on its Zig client side (Sig). -Solana light client side TinyDancer release testnet; Work on Solana Node Validator Firedancer is ongoing.

2024-05-18 02:16:26

5月18日消息,Anza开发者关系负责人在X平台透露了最近Solana开发者社区电话的讨论结果,其中提到: -企业级Web3云基础设施Syndica在其Zig客户端(Sig)方面取得了重大进展; -Solana轻客户端Tinydancer发布测试网; -Solana节点验证器Firedancer相关工作正在持续推进。

2024-05-18 02:16:26
Anza Core Developers: Solana Devnet Successful Second Restart

Starry, the Anza core developer responsible for dealing with Solana congestion issues, posted on the X platform that the second reboot of Solana Devnet was successful, and the team is now monitoring the health of the cluster. RPC still needs some time to update and catch up, but the cluster should be back to normal soon.

2024-04-20 05:31:02
Anza核心开发人员:Solana Devnet第二次重启成功

负责处理Solana拥堵问题的Anza核心开发人员starry在X平台发文表示,Solana Devnet第二次重启成功,团队现在正在监控集群(cluster)的运行状况。RPC仍然需要一些时间来更新和追赶进度,但集群应该很快就会恢复正常。

2024-04-20 05:31:02


2024-04-15 05:04:39


2024-04-12 03:15:11
Solana repair team Anza: It is expected to release the repair program next week, and a test patch will be released today

On April 6th, it was reported that Anza, a development team responsible for dealing with Solana network congestion, (formerly under Solana Labs, later spun off and now led by core developer Trent. sol), announced the latest progress on the repair of congestion issues in the Agave client on the X platform.

2024-04-06 03:59:12

7x24 Newsflash

06:38 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据《金融时报》报道,渣打银行数字资产研究主管GeoffKendrick表示,以太坊正处于中年危机,仍在技术升级中摸索着前进,以提升对更广泛受众的吸引力。在过去三个月中ETH价格下跌了40%,包括特朗普和阿根廷领导人米莱推广的代币都使用Solana区块链。 Kaiko研究分析师Adam McCarthy认为,以太坊对大多数人来说并不有趣,如果将其...
06:17 2025-03-25
06:11 2025-03-25
某投资者购买 3 月底 2200 美元以太坊看跌期权,共计 10000 枚 ETH
06:11 2025-03-25
Arthur Hayes:ETH将先涨至5000美元,随后SOL涨至300美元
06:05 2025-03-25
欧易OKX将上线NAVI Protocol(NAVX)
05:59 2025-03-25
Mt.Gox地址于10分钟前向Kraken充值0.000017 BTC或用于测试
05:55 2025-03-25
05:43 2025-03-25
Mt. Gox热钱包转出893枚BTC,价值逾7736万美元
3月25日消息,链上数据显示,北京时间13:30,Mt. Gox热钱包(1Jbez)向地址1FodPLS4pkAqh8vtyLteDkTtD1yLfb28DB等转出893.417枚BTC,按当前价格约合7736万美元。
05:40 2025-03-25
美联储宣布放缓缩表后,比特币自 83000 美元下方反弹并短暂突破 88000 美元,有分析师认为,市场波动可能很快平息,许多利空因素可能已被市场消化。21st Capital 联合创始人 Sina G.表示,围绕关税和政府支出的市场不确定性可能在未来几周内得到解决,市场焦点可能转向减税、放松监管和降息,这些政策可能吸引更多资本流入比特币和数字资产领域。 N...
05:22 2025-03-25
彭博高级大宗商品策略师Mike McGlone表示,比特币相对于黄金的价格可能已经达到顶峰,现在可能即将迎来一次大重置,他分析指出2024 年比特币与黄金的比率(即多少盎司黄金等于1枚BTC)达到峰值40倍,这意味着一枚比特币的价值是一盎司黄金的40倍。然而McGlone似乎认为这种情况可能无法持续并且2025年很可能会逆转。 总体而言,McG...
05:13 2025-03-25
05:04 2025-03-25
Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol (SOLV)
3月25日消息,据官方消息,Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol(SOLV)。2025-03-2700:00(UTC)至2025-04-1023:59(UTC)期间,在币安账户或币安钱包中持有BNSOL或将SOL质押为BNSOL的用户将分别获得SOLV APRBoost空投奖励。