News list for "Anec"

SEC Delays Approval of VanEck Spot Solana ETF

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) delayed approval of the VanEck Spot Solana ETF.

2025-03-11 19:24:38
美SEC推迟批准VanEck现货Solana ETF

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)推迟批准 VanEck 现货 Solana ETF。

2025-03-11 19:24:38
VanEck Registers Avalanche ETF in Delaware

On March 11, according to official registration documents, VanEck has officially registered the VanEck Avalanche ETF in Delaware on March 10.

2025-03-11 03:36:34
VanEck在特拉华州注册Avalanche ETF

3月11日消息,据官方注册文件显示,VanEck已于3月10日在特拉华州正式注册成立VanEck Avalanche ETF。

2025-03-11 03:36:34
VanEck executive: The combined effect of SIMD 096 and SIMD 0228 is expected to reduce SOL's annual selling pressure by 677 million to 1.10 billion dollars

"The combined effect of SIMD 096 and SIMD 0228 is estimated to reduce SOL's annual selling pressure by 677 million to $1.10 billion," said Matthew Sigel, chief research officer at VanEck Digital Assets. "While SIMD 096 increases tax-related selling pressure by eliminating the 50 per cent priority fee destruction mechanism, SIMD 0228 is expected to fully offset this effect." Previously reported, Solana's SIMD 0228 proposal is now open, with the aim of shifting SOL distribution to a market-driven ...

2025-03-05 15:50:11
VanEck高管:SIMD 096与SIMD 0228综合效应预计将使SOL年抛压减少6.77亿至11亿美元

VanEck 数字资产研究总监 Matthew Sigel 表示,“估计 SIMD 096 和 SIMD 0228 的综合效应将使 SOL 的年抛压减少 6.77 亿至 11 亿美元。虽然 SIMD 096 通过取消 50% 优先费销毁机制增加了与税收相关的抛压,但 SIMD 0228 预计将完全抵消这一影响。” 此前报道,Solana 的 SIMD 0228 提案现已开放,旨在将 SOL 发行转向市场驱动模式。...

2025-03-05 15:50:11


2025-03-05 00:51:17

Tether策略及VanEck顾问Gabor Gurbacs于X平台发布关于Bybit黑客事件的三点思考: 不可变合约优于可升级合约; 需要更好的用户体验和设备来签署多签合约; 大额交易和管理员访问应需要时间锁和与中等规模交易不同的操作安全步骤。

2025-02-23 18:02:01
VanEck: Modeled and released tools for U.S. strategic bitcoin reserves to offset national debt

Matthew Sigel, head of digital asset research at VanEck Research, posted on the X platform that the U.S. strategic bitcoin reserve could help offset the national debt, and the agency has modelled this and released a tool on its website. In response, Cynthia Lummis, chairperson of the US Senate Banking Subcommittee on Digital Assets, said that relevant tools are cool and worth promoting, and bitcoin solves the problem of reducing national debt.

2025-02-21 18:36:41

VanEck Research数字资产研究负责人Matthew Sigel在X平台发文称,美国战略比特币储备可能有助于抵消国家债务,该机构已对此进行了建模并在网站上发布了一个工具。 对此,美国参议院银行数字资产小组委员会主席 CynthiaLummis 表示,相关工具很酷且值得推广,比特币解决了减少国债问题。

2025-02-21 18:36:41
VanEck: Due to the unstable mining revenue, US bitcoin mining companies accelerate the layout of artificial intelligence and high-performance computing business

According to a VanEck report cited by Cryptoslate, bitcoin miners are accelerating their transformation into artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) businesses due to volatile transaction fee revenues. The report notes that while network congestion can lead to short-term fee increases, the rise of off-chain solutions such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), futures markets, two-layer networks, and centralized exchanges has created uncertainty about long-term on-chain reven...

2025-02-21 04:22:47

据Cryptoslate援引VanEck报告显示,由于交易费收入不稳定,比特币矿企正在加速向人工智能(AI)和高性能计算(HPC)业务转型。 报告指出,虽然网络拥堵可能导致短期费用上涨,但交易所交易基金(ETF)、期货市场、二层网络和中心化交易所等链下解决方案的兴起,使得长期链上收入增长存在不确定性。 据悉,Cipher Mining、Iris Energy、Riot Platforms、HIVE Digital Tech...

2025-02-21 04:22:47
VanEck: $1 million U.S. Bitcoin Strategic Reserve in 2029 Could Offset About $21 trillion in National Debt

New research from VanEck suggests that the U.S. Bitcoin strategic reserve with $1 million BTC could offset about $21 trillion of national debt by 2029.

2025-02-21 01:03:40


2025-02-21 01:03:40
Anec: Brazil is expected to export 3.8137 million tons of soybeans this week

Gold Ten Futures February 19 news, Brazil National Grain Exporters Association (Anec) based on shipping plan data forecast, February 16 to February 22, Brazil soybean exports of 3.8137 million tons, last week 1.9606 million tons; soybean meal exports of 676,800 tons, last week 232,000 tons; corn exports of 293,200 tons, last week 424,200 tons; wheat exports of 98,200 tons, last week 144,000 tons.

2025-02-19 15:59:38

7x24 Newsflash

17:22 2025-03-14
马斯克此前在社区发起优化 X 评论算法讨论,CZ 回复并提出四个建议: 1、禁止机器人自动回复,或者让作者能够限制回复,禁止使用机器人; 2、支持按帐户关注者数量、帐户注册时间等类型对评论进行排序(优先显示关注时间较长的帐户回复); 3、支持按“我关注的人”对评论进行排序; 4、记住上次的排序偏好。
16:55 2025-03-14
美国肯塔基州的加密货币法案 HB701 已通过参议院,并被送至州长办公桌等待签署。 该法案保护托管权,将节点免除货币传输规则,并禁止对支付征收新税。该法案在两院均以无一票反对获得通过。
16:28 2025-03-14
据 CompaniesMarketcap 数据显示,随着比特币价格反弹至 8.5 万美元区间,其市值当前已升至 1.677 万亿美元,日内涨幅 4.51%,超越沙特阿美(1.675 万亿美元)升至全球资产市值排名第八位。
16:10 2025-03-14
高盛(Goldman Sachs)预计,到 2025 年底,黄金价格在 3100 美元 左右是其基准预测(即最可能的情况)。此外,他们的预测区间在 3100-3300 美元 之间,但认为价格可能会上涨超过这一范围,存在 上行风险(即黄金价格可能会高于 3300 美元)。
16:06 2025-03-14
据加密分析师 Ali Martinez 披露数据,过去 48 小时鲸鱼买入超 2 万枚 BTC。
16:03 2025-03-14
德意志银行研究部预计,2025年英国央行将再降息四次,将利率降至3.50%。不过,该行经济学家Sanjay Raja在一份报告中表示,英国央行在3月20日的下一次决策中,利率应该会维持在4.50%不变。Raja表示:“在我们看来,‘渐进而谨慎’的做法不利于连续降息——尤其是在整体CPI上升的情况下。”LSEG数据显示,市场预期英国央行在3月维持利率不变的可能性为92%,英国央行在2025年...
16:03 2025-03-14
据 Coinglass 数据,若比特币突破 8.7 万美元,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 6.09 亿。反之,若比特币跌破 8.3 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 7.20 亿。
15:54 2025-03-14
据链上分析师 ai_9684xtpa 监测,受大盘反弹影响,LINK 突破 14.6 美元,Hyperliquid上50倍杠杆巨鲸的累计浮盈已达到 199.1 万美元,其中: 1、 Hyperliquid 10x 开多:浮盈 96.3 万美元; 2、GMX 23x 开多:浮盈 35.4 万美元; 3、 LINK 86.3 万枚现货:浮盈 67.4 万美元。
15:54 2025-03-14
纽约梅隆银行的策略师John Velis表示,密歇根大学消费者信心指数的下滑“令人沮丧”。他说,尤其令人担忧的是长期通胀预期的上升,而此前长期通胀预期一直保持相对稳定。随着消费者信心的动摇,需求的减弱可能开始在实体经济中显现出来,这一现象已经在航空旅行等一些行业出现。根据本周公布的通胀数据,航空旅行价格在2...
15:54 2025-03-14
1inch 发文表示,该去中心化交易聚合协议近期发现有钓鱼邮件冒充官方通讯诱骗用户。这些钓鱼邮件通常伪装成官方通讯,包含恶意链接或附件,可能会危及用户安全。 1inch 建议用户采取以下防护措施:验证发件人邮箱地址;警惕异常内容或紧急请求;避免点击未知来源链接;谨慎对待承诺空投或奖励的邮件。
15:45 2025-03-14
贝莱德IBIT从Coinbase Prime接收568枚比特币
据 Arkham 数据,贝莱德 IBIT 过去 2 小时从 Coinbase Prime 接收 568 枚比特币,价值约 4825 万美元。
15:42 2025-03-14
美股涨幅延续,纳指涨幅扩大至 2.13%。加密货币概念股方面,Strategy 涨幅扩大至 9.90%,Riot Platforms 涨幅扩大至 7.25%,Coinbase 涨 4.25%。