News list for "Alliance"

BNB Launches Good Will Alliance to Fight MEV Sandwich Attacks

BNB launched the Good Will Alliance, a goodwill alliance that aims to unite infrastructure builders, validators, and the wider community to establish ethical standards, best practices, and enhanced security within the BNB ecosystem to counter malicious MEV behavior. It is reported that BNB will first take targeted measures to combat sandwich attacks.

2025-03-19 08:53:31
BNB发起善意联盟Good Will Alliance对抗MEV三明治攻击

BNB发起善意联盟Good Will Alliance,该计划旨在团结基础设施建设者、验证者和更广泛的社区,在 BNB 生态系统内建立道德标准、最佳实践和增强的安全性,旨在抵制恶意MEV行为,据悉BNB将首先采取针对性措施打击三明治攻击。

2025-03-19 08:53:31
Alliance DAO创始人:ETH当前严重超卖,很难不想买入

Alliance DAO创始人兼核心贡献者Qiao Wang在X平台发文表示,ETH当前的超卖水平与2021年Terra崩溃、2018年深熊(价格跌至两位数)以及2016年DAO黑客攻击之后的水平差不多。在这样的超卖水平下,很难不想买入。

2025-03-13 01:38:43
He Yi responded that Binance sold part of its shares to BlackRock and other institutions. Rumors: You can vote to see how many people understand that it is good to introduce strategic partners

Binance Lianchuang He Yi responded in a post on the X platform "I have heard rumors one after another since last year that Binance is going to sell some shares to BlackRock and other institutions". She said: "It was all crickets behind the back before, and this is finally put on the table. Can I reply? You can initiate a vote to see how many people understand that Binance's introduction of strategic partners is good, or yesterday's understanding of the small composition sold the next Huobi bad."

2025-02-17 11:45:51
Alliance DAO联创:同样的项目发在以太坊L2无人问津,Solana相对效果更好

2月10日消息,Alliance DAO联创Qiao Wang在其最新播客视频中表示,“一年前我认为在以太坊L2或Solana上开发项目没有什么不同,但经过近一年的观察对比发现,同样的初创项目在以太坊L2上没有交易、没有用户,而在Solana上则活跃的多。”因此,Qiao Wang建议加密初创项目应该在Solana发布。

2025-02-10 01:20:07
Alliance DAO: Most counterfeit products have peaked, Bitcoin still has a chance to rise

Alliance DAO co-founder Qiao Wang expressed his opinion on the X platform that although most counterfeit products may have peaked, bitcoin and a few high-quality counterfeit products still have a chance to rise sharply this year.

2025-02-10 00:37:41
Alliance DAO联创:大多数山寨币或已见顶,比特币仍有一轮上涨机会

Alliance DAO联创 Qiao Wang在X平台发表观点认为,尽管大多数山寨币可能已经见顶,但比特币及少数优质山寨币在今年仍有一轮大幅上涨的机会。

2025-02-10 00:37:41
Founder of AllianceDAO: Most AI + Crypto projects are currently far-fetched, and tokenization is becoming a new model for entrepreneurship

Imron Khan and Qiao Wang, founders of Web3 venture capital accelerator AllianceDAO, recently pointed out in a podcast that most current AI and blockchain projects are far-fetched, and truly successful projects should allow AI to naturally integrate into blockchain applications, so that users will not pay too much attention to the underlying technology when experiencing product performance improvement. In response to market trends, they focus on three directions: First, the United States may esta...

2025-02-08 08:23:17

Web3创投加速器AllianceDAO创始人Imron Khan和Qiao Wang近日在播客节目中指出,目前大多数 AI 与区块链结合的项目较为牵强,真正成功的项目应该让AI自然融入区块链应用,使用户在体验产品性能提升时不会过分关注底层技术。 针对市场趋势,他们重点关注三个方向:首先,美国可能建立比特...

2025-02-08 08:23:17
Opinion: Non-farm payroll data may keep the Federal Reserve's current policy unchanged

Eric Winograd, head of developed market economics research at Alliance Bernstein, said the labor market is much more important to the Fed than what happens with tariffs. The jobs numbers are volatile and anything can happen in any month. But nothing in particular makes us think that the non-farm payroll data for January will be markedly different from the past few months, which is enough to keep the Fed on hold.

2025-02-07 04:04:02

据金十报道,Alliance Bernstein发达市场经济研究主管Eric Winograd表示,对美联储来说,劳动力市场比关税情况重要得多。就业数据不稳定,任何月份都可能发生任何事情。但没有什么特别的东西让我们认为,1月的非农数据会与过去几个月明显不同,这足以让美联储按兵不动。

2025-02-07 04:04:02
Mechanism Capital: TRUMP's trading relies mainly on attention, and Trump is the world's largest attention monopoly and will not change

On January 27, Andrew Kang, co-founder of Mechanism Capital, said in a post that the investment logic of the $TRUMP token is simple, and the trading of meme coins mainly depends on attention, and Trump is the world's largest attention monopoly. This situation will not change after the inauguration. Andrew Kang has previously posted that he believes that the market value of $TRUMP tokens is expected to reach $100 billion circulating market value/$500 million fully diluted valuation, and surpass D...

2025-01-27 00:29:06
Virtuals: Plans to launch Solana platform in the first week of February

On January 26th, Virtuals Protocol co-founder everythingempty announced that its platform will be expanded to Base and Solana. Developers can choose to generate proxies and corresponding tokens on the two chains, and provide initial liquidity on Uniswap or Meteora respectively. The team plans to launch the Solana platform in the first week of February, when it will launch the $VIRTUAL/SOL liquidity pool and finalize the relevant details with LayerZero. In addition, for the proxy team on the Base...

2025-01-26 09:08:55
CZ: The "currency" of artificial intelligence is cryptocurrency

Binance co-founder CZ wrote on the X platform that the "currency" of artificial intelligence is cryptocurrency.

2025-01-25 07:01:48
CZ: No plans to launch Meme Coin at this stage

Binance Lianchuang and former CEO CZ posted on the X platform that there are no plans to launch Meme Coin at this stage, but speculated that other national leaders may be considering it.

2025-01-19 14:06:17

7x24 Newsflash

13:10 2025-03-25
Flow Traders 3小时前从PARTI项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,Flow Traders 成为 Binance 新币 PARTI 的做市商之一,3 小时前从项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币(占流通代币的 3.86%),目前已有 675 万枚充值进各大 CEX。
13:01 2025-03-25
特朗普家族加密项目World Liberty Financial Inc.(WLFI)官方宣布计划推出稳定币USD1,该稳定币可以1:1兑换美元,将100%由短期美国政府国债、美元存款和其他现金等价物支持,最初将在以太坊和BSC区块链上铸造,计划在未来扩展到其他协议,据悉USD1储备将由BitGo托管。
13:01 2025-03-25
金色晚报 | 3月25日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:Web3port、eToro、贝莱德、GMX 1.贝莱德将在欧洲推出比特币 ETP; 2.Arbitrum DAO考虑收回游戏催化剂计划未使用资金; 3.分析:MOVE市场违规行为做市商疑似为Web3port; 4.eToro提交IPO申请拟按45亿美元的估值筹集3-4亿美元; 5.贝莱德与Securitize合作将货币市场基金BUIDL扩展到Solana; 6.PeckShield:GMX 与 MIM Spell 安全事件损失扩大至 1300 万美元; 7.Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目...
12:54 2025-03-25
eToro提交IPO申请,得益于加密货币推动2024年收入激增,该公司拟按45亿美元的估值筹集3-4亿美元。数据显示,2024 年eToro的总收入飙升至126亿美元,其中96%来自加密货币交易。根据最近提交的F-1表格数据,2024年eToro的净收入也从2023年的1530万美元跃升至1.92亿美元。据悉,eToro申请的上市代码为“ETOR”。
12:48 2025-03-25
12:36 2025-03-25
Binance将上线PARTI 1-75倍U本位永续合约
Binance 理财、一键买币、闪兑、杠杆、合约将上线 Particle Network(PARTI),Binance 将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日 21:00 上线 PARTI 1-75 倍 U 本位永续合约。
12:36 2025-03-25
GMX 澄清:GMX 智能合约未受影响,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池有关
3月25日消息,GMX 官方发文表示,安全研究机构 PeckShield 等区块链安全专家发现 Abracadabra/Spell 使用 GM 代币的资金池(cauldrons)出现漏洞被利用。 GMX 方面明确表示,GMX 智能合约未受影响,运行正常,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池相关。这些资金池允许用户以特定 GM 流动性代币作为抵押进行借贷。目前,Spell、GMX 团队及安全研究人员正在调查问题原因。
12:24 2025-03-25
Aptos 生态流动性质押协议 Amnis Finance 宣布,已上线空投查询页面。
12:06 2025-03-25
PeckShield:GMX 与 MIM Spell 安全事件损失扩大至 1300 万美元
PeckShield 发布最新数据,显示 GMX 和 MIM Spell 安全漏洞事件的损失金额已经增至约 6260 ETH,按当前市场价格计算约合 1300 万美元。
11:48 2025-03-25
PeckShield:GMX 和 MIM 相关合约已被黑客入侵,损失约 650 万美元
据 PeckShield 监测,GMX 和@MIM_Spell 相关合约已被黑客入侵,损失约 3260 ETH(价值约 650 万美元)。
11:29 2025-03-25
Particle Network:空投领取即将开放,40% 代币将用于社区增长
Particle Network 在 X 平台发文称,PARTI 代币空投领取即将开放,代币固定供应量为 1,000,000,000 枚,初始流通量为 2.33 亿枚,此次空投将占代币总供应量的 9%。 代币经济学主要内容为:团队和顾问(12.11 %)、私人销售(24.39 %)、KOL 轮(1.50 %)、流动性(5 %)、社区增长(40 %)、IDO (5 %)、币安钱包空投(1%)、币安 HODLer 空投(6%)、储备(5 %)。
11:23 2025-03-25
BNB Chain:链上转账需求较大导致部分用户出现卡顿
BNB Chain 在 X 平台发文称,由于当前转帐需求上升,我们正经历区块满载的情况,这可能导致部分用户的交易出现卡顿。BscScan 的区块显示稍有延迟——若需查看更精确的区块状态,建议使用 BscTrace,技术团队正在密切监控此情况,并将视需要提供最新进展。