News list for "@"

Suspected to be the same entity to Gate recharge $10.21 million BAN, if sold is expected to lose $3.15 million

According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, five addresses belonging to the same entity (not excluding Gate hot wallet) have recharged $10.21 million of BAN to Gate in the past hour, and the recharge price is $0.1016. The BAN of these five addresses was proposed from Gate two days ago, and the proposed price is $0.133. If it is sold, it is expected to lose $3.15 million.

2025-02-24 07:57:07

据链上分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,归属于同一实体的五个地址(不排除为 Gate 热钱包)在过去一小时内向 Gate 充值了 1021 万美元的 BAN,充值价格 0.1016 美元。这五个地址的 BAN 均是两天前从 Gate 提出,提出价格 0.133 美元,若卖出则预计亏损 315 万美元。

2025-02-24 07:57:07
Infini Lianchuang: It will definitely pay, and it can afford it, and it will be synchronized in the future.

On February 24th, Infini Lianchuang @0xsexybanana tweeted: Absolutely pay, and afford to pay. But now there is a lot to do, so I don't spend much time calming everyone's emotions. The follow-up will be synchronized as soon as possible.

2025-02-24 04:33:37

2月24日消息,Infini 联创 @0xsexybanana 发推表示:绝对赔付,并且赔得起。但是现在有很多事要做,就不多花时间安抚大家的情绪了。后续会第一时间同步进展。

2025-02-24 04:33:37
ARC Top4 Whale open position $2.41 million ARC, average price $0.2431

According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, ARC Top4 holding whales have increased their positions in the past 10 hours 2.41 million USD ARC tokens, with an average price of $0.2431. The address is also ai16z holdings TOP5 giant whale, he currently holds: ai16z 17.06 million pieces, worth 6.44 million dollars, floating profit 3.59 million dollars; ARC 9.76 million pieces, worth 2.33 million dollars, floating loss 2.84 million dollars.

2025-02-23 04:24:30
ARC Top4持仓鲸鱼加仓241万美元ARC,均价0.2431美元

据链上分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,ARC Top4 持仓鲸鱼过去 10 小时加仓 241 万美元 ARC 代币,均价 0.2431 美元。 该地址也是 ai16z 持仓 TOP5 巨鲸,目前他累计持有:ai16z 1706 万枚,价值 644 万美元,浮盈 359 万美元;ARC 976 万枚,价值 233 万美元,浮亏 284 万美元。

2025-02-23 04:24:30
The X account of the fake acting president of Myanmar publishes false token issuance information, and users should be vigilant

An X account @ascom_pmbjs posing as Myanmar's acting president Min Aung Hlaing posted multiple misinformation claiming that Myanmar would issue a national cryptocurrency. Although the account has been certified, it has been newly created and the first tweet was posted this morning, claiming that "the national currency of Myanmar will be issued today", and it is prohibited from commenting and interacting, which is obviously suspected of fraud. Users need to be vigilant against relevant risks and ...

2025-02-22 11:02:55
假冒缅甸代理总统的 X 账号发布虚假代币发行信息,用户需警惕

一个冒充缅甸代理总统敏昂莱的 X 账号 @ascom_pmbjs 发布多条虚假信息,声称缅甸将发行国家加密货币。 该账号虽获得认证标记,但为近期新建、首条推文为今晨发布的宣称“缅甸国家币将于今日发行”,且禁止评论互动,明显存在诈骗嫌疑。 用户需警惕相关风险,避免上当受骗。

2025-02-22 11:02:55
The Bybit hacker's ETH funds are still on the Ethereum mainnet

On February 22nd, independent researcher @0xNing0x corrected the latest tweet that the previous analysis of Bybit hackers using Solana network and Kanye Meme coin money laundering was wrong. He said that $1.38 billion worth of ETH funds on the Bybit hacker address are still in the Ethereum mainnet and have deleted previous related analysis tweets.

2025-02-22 05:15:58
Bybit 黑客的 ETH 资金目前仍在以太坊主网

2月22日消息,独立研究员 @0xNing0x 最新推文更正,此前关于 Bybit 黑客利用 Solana 网络及 Kanye Meme 币洗钱的分析有误。他表示,Bybit 黑客地址上价值 13.8 亿美元的 ETH 资金目前仍留存在以太坊主网,并已删除此前的相关分析推文。

2025-02-22 05:15:58
Wintermute received 1.20 million KAITO from the project 3 hours ago

According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Wintermute is one of the new currency KAITO market makers. 3 hours ago, Wintermute received 1.20 million KAITO (0.5% of the initial circulation) from the multi-signature address of the project party, and 400,000 have been recharged into CEX.

2025-02-20 11:49:41
Wintermute 3小时前从项目方收到 120 万枚 KAITO

据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Wintermute 为新币 KAITO 做市商之一。3 小时前,Wintermute 从项目方多签地址处收到 120 万枚 KAITO(占初始流通量的 0.5%),目前已有 40 万枚充值进 CEX。

2025-02-20 11:49:41
An early ETH hoarding address transferred another 4,254 ETH to Binance.

According to the monitoring of data analyst @ai_9684xtpa on the chain, an OG giant whale that hoarded ETH in 2018 recharged 4254 ETH to Binance again, worth 11.67 million dollars. The cost of ETH at this address was as low as $194, and it is suspected that 12,254 ETH have been sold in the past five days. If the recharge price is estimated, it will make a profit of $31.10 million.

2025-02-20 07:41:17

据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,某个于 2018 年囤积 ETH 的 OG 巨鲸再次向 Binance 充值 4254 ETH,价值 1167 万美元。 该地址的 ETH 成本一度低至 194 美元,过去五天已疑似抛售 12254 枚 ETH,若按充值价格估算将获利 3110 万美元。

2025-02-20 07:41:17
PAIN team affiliates have sold $2.53 million worth of tokens in the last 7 hours

According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the address DjTrV... 1a24a sold 107,212 PAINs at an average price of 23.66 dollars, tracing its funding source to the team's pre-sale associated address, rather than the 20% token holding address issued by the airdrop. The tokens were transferred three times and then shipped.

2025-02-20 02:47:40

7x24 Newsflash

12:54 2025-03-22
dYdX基金会在X平台发文宣布已完成DYDX质押委托再平衡,旨在支持dYdX Chain的安全性和弹性,促进活跃验证者质押权重更加均匀分布。 另据披露数据显示,截至3月21日,dYdX基金会共有约620万枚DYDX代币可用于基金会委托(Foundation Delegation)。
12:38 2025-03-22
蒙大拿州拟立法强化数字资产监管,2024 年全美诈骗损失已逾 125 亿美元
据 报道,美国蒙大拿州正加速推进数字资产监管框架,以应对加密货币欺诈激增态势。州证券与保险专员詹姆斯·布朗援引联邦贸易委员会数据称,2024 年全美诈骗损失达 125 亿美元,同比增幅达 25%,其中老年群体因人口占比居全美第六位成为主要受害目标。 布朗支持州议会审议的《网络代币监管法案》,该提案将授权监...
12:35 2025-03-22
12:17 2025-03-22
据Cointelegraph报道,Nansen 研究分析师 Nicolai Sondergaard 表示,尽管加密货币领域出现了大量积极进展,但全球关税担忧仍将持续给市场带来压力,在关税相关问题得到解决之前,风险资产可能缺乏方向,这可能发生在 4 月 2 日至 7 月之间,若关税问题得到解决将为市场带来积极的催化剂。
11:59 2025-03-22
据The Data Nerd在X平台发文称,很明显Wintermute是$MUBARAK做市商,其钱包持有约7768.8万枚$MUBARAK代币,价值96.6万美元。此外,Wintermute还持有:1640亿枚$BABYDOGE、188.2亿枚$CAT、以及454.9万枚$TUT。
11:41 2025-03-22
11:36 2025-03-22
11:33 2025-03-22
11:31 2025-03-22社区对比特币波动率持谨慎态度,关注合理构建对冲结构
Greeks.live宏观研究员Adam发布中文社区简报,其中指出社区内对比特币波动率持谨慎态度,讨论较多关于是否会创 新低的问题。成员主要关注合理构建对冲结构和选择性价比高的 期权策略 ,而非单纯预测市场涨跌方向。期权交易策略方面,社区认为选择既能卖好价格又能卖好IV的期权策略很重要。多数交易者偏向于降低成本和关注现金流方向 ,通过备兑/反备兑策...
11:11 2025-03-22
10:55 2025-03-22
Riot Platforms 宣布签署非约束性条款清单,拟收购 Rhodium 部分资产并达成和解协议
据官方公告,Riot Platforms, Inc.(纳斯达克:RIOT)宣布签署非约束性条款清单,其全资子公司 Whinstone US, Inc.(或其关联公司)拟收购 Rhodium Encore LLC(及其关联公司,简称"Rhodium")在 Riot 位于罗克代尔设施的特定资产,并在 Rhodium 破产案中提交了根据联邦破产程序规则 9019 批准和解的动议。 根据条款清单,交易完成后,Whinstone(或其关联公司)将向 Rhodium 提供总计 1.85...
10:55 2025-03-22
Custodia Bank创始人:美联储正在审查2家加密友好银行,去银行化问题或于明年1月才能解决
据Cointelegraph报道,Custodia Bank创始人兼首席执行官Caitlin Long表示,现在说去银行化已经结束还为时过早,目前美联储正在审查两家加密货币友好型银行并向这些银行派遣了大批审查人员,其中包括来自华盛顿的审查员,这支大军简直就是在扼杀这些银行为加密公司提供服务。 Caitlin Long补充说:“特朗普直到明年1月...