3月25日消息,链上数据显示,北京时间13:30,Mt. Gox热钱包(1Jbez)向地址1FodPLS4pkAqh8vtyLteDkTtD1yLfb28DB等转出893.417枚BTC,按当前价格约合7736万美元。
According to Lookonchain, an ETH whale that had been quiet for six years transferred 77,736 ETH ($228.60 million) into Bitfinex before the crash. The whale withdrew 77,736 ETH (worth $11.9 million at the time) from Bitfinex on January 5, 2019, when the price of ETH was $153.
据 Lookonchain 监测,某沉寂 6 年的 ETH 巨鲸在暴跌前将 77736 枚 ETH(2.286 亿美元)转入 Bitfinex。 该巨鲸于 2019 年 1 月 5 日从 Bitfinex 中提取了 77,736 枚 ETH(当时价值 1,190 万美元),当时 ETH 的价格为 153 美元。